Now I gotta take an old black out curtain I have with reflective material on the inside up to the sewing machine to affix some hook and loop fastener. That is how i will close the front for now.
It wont be as reflective, but I have it, and can’t put anything else into this budget at the moment.
I’m gonna’ exhaust the hot air out of the top of my 2×4×5 tent and blow it under the small metal shelf that I just transformed into my veg area. Hopefully it will help a bit stave off the cold air from near the concrete.
Have you been able to grow anything with that clone light…?
I have something that looks similar , but I’m pretty sure that I couldn’t even grow mold with it…
A friend gave it to me like 12 years ago and asked me to see if I could grow anything with it…lol
One look at it and I never even tried , I just couldn’t stop laughing…
First gen LED technology …
I’m sure that @dbrn32 is going to laugh his a$$ off and $hit and fall into it when he sees this oldschool representation of an LED that I have…
@dbrn32 , now you see why I still have a hard time buying into LEDs…
I think it pulls 13 watts from the wall…
I only keep it around to laugh at my buddy whenever he stops by every 3 or so years , because it’s that danm funny…
Don’t forget , this is the future man , is what I was told… lol
@dbrn32 luckily, I only need to control light in my 2x4x5 tent in the room. My new budget veg and starting area will be 24 hours of light. The only real reason for the door with lock is so I can stay within the legal guidelines. If my operation were inspected, and not being run to the letter of the law, I could be in big doo doo. My home is in both a school zone, and a church zone. If I were doing it illegally, a jerk prosecutor could tack on maybe 20 years of minimum mandatory sentences for that. Because of where we bought our home, it’s a great, safe neighborhood
@Cannabian ventilation is very easy for me. I have even made a couple 6" holes for future ducting if I need it. There is even an old non used ash dump that I can change if I want to vent outside.
@peachfuzz yep, it’s a piece of dung, but I have another and a couple 2’ T5’s upstairs in a regular cheap greenhouse in the sunroom. I have 3 dwarf cherry tomatoes under one of the flat cheap ones. They have formed a canopy and are bursting with ripening tomatoes. I’ll post a pic tomorrow. They work well for regular garden plants and excellent for succulents, but I have never tried them for medicinal plants. I’m hoping two plus the t5’s will be good for starts. I could be wrong. I have been before.
@Drinkslinger now I gotta go check mine for weird patterns, just out of curiosity.
Hopefully I didn’t sound like a butt head…
I think that your t5’s would work much better…
I think that some of those LEDs are just gimmicks …
Love your setup and welcome to ilgm…
Yep, pansies flowering and tomatoes ripening during the coldest part of the year.
I just love growing everything.
Those lights wouldn’t grow any tight thick buds, but they are just fine for regular house and garden plants.
After I get some garden vegetable seed trays going, then I will be able to flood my new area with more light.
Thanks for the welcome. I’ve been lurking and wanted to join when I had something to share.
Lmao… @Stonedrus @QueenCityB I’m no help with the tech side of things on this forum…
I’ve never added a link so I’m not sure , also make sure that the link doesn’t interfere with ilgm policy…
That was the strongest of the little Alaskan Purples.
Its staying healthy in questionable conditions.
It’s next to the top of a plant that is begging for a real place to grow. I dont know what it is. I chopped the tops off of my African Buzz and my Somango plants and stuck em in dirt. I was going to stick them under T5 12/12 to sex them while I was still veging and training the main plants.
I was gonna label them, but then I got high.
I’m sure none of you have ever done that.
Its female. It showed hairs. Its grown when it wasnt supposed to. I’m gonna give it a home.