Hi All
Thanks to many on this forum including @Donaldj @Majiktoker I have just completed my fourth successful grow and harvest. Learned a lot but struggle to get better. Case in point my new grow or lack of.
Crop King Seeds CBD UK Cheese autoflower
Promix Organic soil
Under a 15w florescent tube till established
temp day is 25c night 20 c
humidity 75% day
I successfully germinated two seeds and placed them in peat pots with organic Promix soil. They broke the surface 3 days later and were doing fine till this:
And it happened to both seedlings. I trashed the other one. Is there anyway to recover this one? I’m germinating another UK Cheese seed but do not want the same results.
Am I over watering? I spray mist the top of the soil every other day or when it looks dry.
Has been a few months since I started a new girl but this is frustrating.
Any ideas wonderful people?