Hello all, I was looking through the site, and discovered the badges. And in the badge section, it talks about the new user tutorial etc. I tried initiating it with the discobot. And I haven’t been able to get it to work. After doing some more reading, I found a post saying that discobot was disabled. If that is true, then how do I complete the tutorials now? I am learning so much on this site, I just want the full experience.
@Leprecon the more you post and the more you like and starting a thread will get you going I will give you a little more access and welcome to are forums
@Hogmaster thank you for the response. It’s amazing the amount of info on here. Just want to soak up as much as possible.
Well that’s why I just bumped you up so you have more access and can talk more with folks glad to help
We like keeping are forum clean and fun and the staff and members are absolutely the best anywhere!!!
I had never noticed this discobot thing, myself. Just tried it. Not sure if it’ll work. Found a thread that was closed in June, and it seems like people were having issues at that point.
Still, I did my @discobot start new user thing. Waiting for whatever might happen.
I found the same thread. I have tried it a couple times, with no success.
They can’t do this to us! Don’t they know we need to complete all our badges to feel whole?!
Right? It’s like being a kid in school again, and trying your hardest to get that little sticky star by the end of the day. Lol
I want my gold star! Lol!
Let me know if it works for you.
I tried this a week or two ago. Never found the tutorial but loving the badges anyway.
The discobot was deactivated by admin it was causing issue and im not sure they will be bringing ot back on line
I actually thought it was helpful for a new user since it taught you how to navigate the site ?
Ive been here off am on since 2017…i wany accesss to Badges too!!! Lol
@discobot start new user
Discobot doesn’t work anymore. I want that badge too lol
Totally the ocd will not rest until it’s all complete
Haha i remember reading this thread thinking the same
Crap! I WANT MY DISCO BOT BADGE NOW!!! pretty please?