just got my 2nd 3x3 tent setup. going organic this time for some Autoflowers. I am seeing conflicting information online about needing to PH your water or not when using organic nutes. 2 youtubers ive been watching claim its not as important when using organic.
3 gallon pots
FF Happy Frog Soil
Gaia Green 4-4-4, power bloom, worm castings, Basalt rock dust, real growers recharge.
my tap water comes out 7.2ph / 120ppm (will either let them sit out in buckets 24 hours to allow the chlorine to evaporate, or use fish tank dechlorinator.)
I guess my question is - should I even worry about PH’ing the water? will the foxfarm soil just buffer it to an acceptable level?
If your soil life is strong 7.2 is just water in. 3 gallon pots a little small for organic. 5-10 and larger work better. Life likes bigger pots. The soil will buffer that 7.2 easy. Keep it healthy.
I can tell you for sure that if your growing organic, and your water is ph 7.2, you do not need to ph. I started growing organic 3 or 4 grows ago, and I was ph’ing my water which is high 7. I had a lot of brown spots on leaves. I quit ph’ing, an all my issues went away. The soil buffers it where it needs to be. I was trying to compensate for a problem that didn’t exist, and actually created problems.
Thank you! this pretty much confirms my suspicions. its been a fight keeping this soil out of the 5.x range. since this post i’ve been giving it straight tap water, left out over night and its showing a difference.
I cant wait for the next grow. I’ve learned so much over these last couple of months.