Alright everyone! My wife and I have made it to the germination stage. Dropped 3 seed from ILGM on Saturday night at 10pm (PH, GDP, and BW). The PH got a tail within 24 hours so we planted that.
The GDP AND BW just barely cracked open today. The GDP seems to be forming a tail but the BW seems like its just cracking more, with no tail.
I know IMLG says its ok to keep the seeds in water for 7 days and it should sprout a tail within 24 to 72 hours. Should we wait it out a bit longer? Are we being impatient? Lol (Side note we did gem 6 other seeds that we had kicking around with the towel method. Most of them have broke through the soil!)
First pic is BW 2nd is GDP! Thanks for any advice!!!