Woke up to this. PH is 5.2 ppm 1100. Please help first grow
Ive had them looking equally as unhappy and bounce right back. I hope you get your problem resolved. Just dont worry to much yet, lots of knowledgeable folks her will help get her back to health.
PH is low for Hydro 5.6-5.9. What’s the temps of the nutrient solution in the bucket and what do the roots look like. Post a pic of the roots
Uh oh. Check them roots.
I did some root root is forming I just don’t know how to fight it. It took out my other five plants.
I’ll post a pic later when I get home water temp is 70
Growing in different buckets? Can you post some pics of those and if hydro some root pics. I’m assuming these are photo periods. What’s your lighting schedule and grow room like
was this meant to be foaming
Can we tag in @HappyHydroGrower too?!?!
Thanks brother. I always enjoy a good challenge… lol
Totally agree with everything mentioned above.
Looks like she is drowning to me.
Yep that’s bad. Are you sure the nutrient solution temps are 68-70 degrees and are you adding Hydroguard or Souther Ag that contain natural bacteria to inoculate the roots. @HappyHydroGrower @CooterJuice @Pet_de_Chien any advice you can offer this grow Bro
Just by looking at that bucket your water level is too high. Should be about 1-2 inches below your net pot. Make sure no light is getting into the nutrient solution. Make sure grow room temps are within range. Dump the nutrients and make fresh, lower ppm to 800ish add Hydroguard or Southern AG. Ph 5.6-6.0. Monitor nutrient solution temp, 68-75°F. Make sure you have plenty of air coming from your air stones. In all honesty, those roots are pretty bad. They may not recover
Yea I pored some of the water out this literally happened in every bucket over the last week
Thanks OG!
@Oneperspective cut all the roots off close to the bottom of the netpot. It’s gonna stunt your plants and they may get worse before they get better.
Wash and rinse roots in a 30/70 h202/water solution. You can also get some stuff called Physan 20 to clean roots.
The slime will have to be completely cleaned off… best you can. So, you may have to massage the roots to get it off. Slime can be difficult to come off. Clean and sterilize your buckets too.
Once you cut and clean the roots and buckets, make sure you have at least 1.5” - 2” air gap between the netpot and water level.
Also make sure you have air stones for the roots.
Make sure water temps stay around 68’ish.
Water level too high and warm water temps are a leading cause of root rot.
Good luck and keep’em growin!
Appreciate that Brother