I think as far as ILGM goes at the moment with Grow Journal’s, you display a well versed knowledge with great instruction (you have method behind your madness and laid out clearly for us to all understand). Your journal has been the most informative yet.
You do great work man, thanks for the well wishes… I pray for my girls to grow up nice and healthy myself lol!
Plan to transplant tomorrow (36 Hours from now), thoughts here (and on everything else in general)?
Temp: 21C - 27C consistent, 38% - 50%RH (quite enjoying the 45% range a lot think) not causing issues, small humidifier is annoying so many top ups.
I set the lights from 21" above canopy to 23" to get a bit more stretch not sure if this I should do?
They seemed to enjoy the light they were getting, I just felt there was no upward growth or is that what I want?
Reduced feed to pH5.9 (run off at 6.9 still which concerns me), but hopefully after a pre-soaked 5.5 Calcium rich Coco I will transplant into and keep at a low 5.8 - 6.0pH feed I can get that back to a manageable state.
Kept my EC around 6.0(300ppm) but run off is 0.9 (450ppm). I am happy here low and slow, will up after transplant a little (aiming for EC 1.4/700ppm) I think they would like it a lot a lot.
Noticed a very light yet recognizable yellow on WW#1 my biggest on the new growth (At least i think i have, may be due to my massive pH fluctuations), not sure if it is growing well or something to watch. All the damage (mostly manual/wind burn we think) and slightly curled lower growth (Cmag def we think) has not been a worry and is on lower leaves that will be gone soon enough. Most new growth looks healthy.
They are looking very happy. I can’t see an issue with anything you state here.
As to raising the lights to encourage stretch - I did that with my top clones - backed them off 8" - but I was targeting a little stretch, as they were too stacked to top successfully. If I wasn’t looking to top I would have left them dense and stacked.
Looks to be good timing on the rehousing - it will start getting tight in those little pots.
Yeah I think it is time for my babies to come out of the crib, cant wait… hoping that this time next week which will virtually be week 4 beginning, I can top and train these lil suckers and prepare them fora good flower!
I would have to concur with @Budz420 lookin good. I am no help with CoCo as, I have never used it before. They are definitely ready to be up potted, for sure. In my humble opinion
Holes could be an indication of bugs. I used to have some but couldnt find the bugs themselves. The white spots could also indicate spidermite speckling. Did you check under all your leaves? Check for tiny spider webs towards the bottom of the branch
Sometimes they appear when youre not around and be hiding when you show up haha
If it persists, id get Captain Jacks deadbug spray
you could be infestation free lol, this is just my 2 cents based on what i learned so far. White spots could also be septoria, but i dont think it is in your case. Hopefully more people will chime in soon.
I would very much love for this thread to be active and happening (I feel there has been, even if not detrimental, been interesting learning curves to discuss), I just don’t feel like I have the issues to address at the utmost importance I am sure many growers are struggling and are calling on this forums finest with more need lol.
It will be soon enough. There;s a bunch of experienced growers here and they will all help you. I would go through journals on the forum and see which one is close to yours and also ask questions there and see their past mistakes and take notes. Tag people who are familiar with your setup based on other journals and that will help get your thread active. All sorts of issues arise and people post about them, so that will help you too
I think you look pretty good. Imo your ppm is a little low at 300 and will probably be a little low 700, but it’s easy enough to go up, so give it a shot and see.
Sound advice I have tried to follow, I am finding a lack of coco experienced people… in saying that this wasn’t the field (and will not be with my dwc buckets next grow) I wanted to grow in, necessity.
Tagging who i can lol but these experts have their handfuls and there are so many!
To be fair I have had more assistance from here in a month than I have spending a quarter researching blog after page for knowledge, thanks to the helpful lot here
OK so yes, that photo replicates a bug but it is just coco as i was filling the final pots tonight for the morning! it isnt a bug i can assure you haha!
I think before i let my mind spur out of control i will wait dill Day 3 of Week3 (Wednesday) after the transplant and some shock recovery to see where my real concerns are!