Just a big shout out to all the Veterans on the forum here to say thank you for sticking your neck out there to make sure we are safe from the tyrants and terrorists who want to demolish America.
Yes. Absolute gratitude to those who have worn the nation’s cloth in service of its people.
Thank you all who have served!
You are appreciated very much!
Thank you, Veterans! You are appreciated!
We would be living in Hell right now if it weren’t for the people who served in the Armed Forces to protect us. Its not the government and all the politicians with their big fancy buildings and starched white shirts riding around in nice cars that fought any wars or done any type of combat. They are not the heros. Its all the unmentioned people that are the true heros, the ones who fought. …
Thank you to all Veterans, for service and sacrifice. Past present And future.
I could confess to being less than appreciative of the Military in my youth.
Born in 1951, I saw 1962 (Cuba) and 1965 (Vietnam) with the virgin eyes of a youth.
My father was still USAF-Res. My over age drinking friends were Vietnam vets, half on leave from the hospital at Great Lakes.
Pressured by parents to achieve more in life than the drinking buddies, I went to college and found new drinking buddies. In 1969 I became eligible for the draft My first year in college.
I complied with the law and registered for the Selective Service. The down state near college draft board received my paperwork and said: You are from Chicago. We will send your papers to the Chicago draft board. Months later I received notification that my Chicago draft board has my paperwork, however, being I was a college student, I must fill out supplemental paperwork attesting to my college pursuit continued in compliance with required whatever.
In the Spring of 1970, I made the Deans list, twice. The first occurrence involved alcohol and the second disappointingly poor academic performance and general under achievement.
I was further dis-invited from attending for the current academic year.
LSShorter, I didn’t get a student deferment and after a year of waiting for verification of my continued college participation, the Draft board classified me as 1A.
Before receiving a draft notice requiring my appearance, the Selective Service System decided on a lottery with 365 numbers. First Draw I was 305 and possibly higher for the second. Vietnam War drew down and I went out West. USU Forestry graduate 197X, with Veterans who got hiring preference. Screw it went South, Gulf Coast diving for oil companies.
Good money during 1970’s oil embargos. Went down the tubes with Saddam and his Iran invasion. He pumped oil and sold it for weapons and funded his 8-year war against Iran. Remember the Shaw got deposed and our Embassy was raided for hostages.
Oil job and oil economy went south, especially in the South.
Took my clones to the upper Mid-west. -40F is not for me or the plants, still illegal, still butt sore from a Judge and “stupid” conviction.
1984, needed a job, warm bed, medical and hell free Dental. New drinking buddy, USN Recruiter needing legal advice for his errant son. We traded “sea stories”. Bubble Head and DDD became friends until he put me on a train to Great Mistakes (Dec 1984, Orlando or San Diego, would have been better than Windy City in winter).
The offer was free ride out of town, food, and travel. Hell 1984 we were not at war.
I watched McHales Navy growing up, Gilligans Island, and South Pacific.
I just need a job in winter and ships float. ASVAB score 99 (minimal cheating), but at age 33 i could count to Nineteen point five, easily.
Interviewed by a shrink about “authority” and drug use issues. Still got free train ride from MEPS to Recruit Training Center. They fed me and I must have drunk the Kool-Aid.
35-year graduate member of the Canoe Club (we have the biggest, bad-est, and fastest canoes). I didn’t make the Silent Service crew because of age, questionable intelligence or drugs probably disqualified me.
Sadly, none are drinking buddies, anymore. We have all gone our separate ways.
Patriotic, Hell yes, I am beyond a doubt. It was more than just a job. it was my life and my family continues our current USN commitment (150years collectively for my family still living).
Veterans started me out and now I am one. My thanks to all Veterans and their families for their sacrifices, this day and always.
Not a Veteran myself but grew up with a paralyzed father from Vietnam he was wounded in Early 1965 at 20 yrs old ,I was 2 and my sister was born in Fitzsimmons hospital 2 days after he was shipped back state side for his care. He was Army with the Big Red 1, was a life growing up in our house hold but was taught early what it meant to give for country, his memorial as adourned my walls since he passed (suicide) at the young age of 32 his Bronze star is the center piece.
Arlington did great services for both Dad (2001) and Mom (2019, is on the backside of his grave stone). My wife and I are entitled to the same. The price paid, we all pay and are paying.
Yes! Thank you all so very very much. If it werent for playing college football i would have found the military very interesting. I respect and am so grateful for each and every one of you for your service.
Dad is in Westmoreland Cemetery in Detroit with full honors have his flag and Dress uniform preserved together along with his colors from his MC club.
My Uncle celebrated his 99th birthday. Color blind, he is a WWII Seabee, South Pacific Veteran. He has out-lived three wives and possibly one girlfriend. That was the closest any family member ever was to the USN. I have Civil War Veteran’s in the family tree, Mom found on Ancestory. Now we count 150 years, USN travel agent relationships.
I’m late, but thank you Vets!
Saw this headline and thought it worthy. I had the privilege to watch this up close as a kid.
On this day in history, Nov. 11, 1921, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier was dedicated at Arlington National Cemetery.
Guarding the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
I know i am a foreigner, but we are all from the same
Big Respect for your comments… wow… love the integrity…
I was born 1979 - haven’t been in any war…(thank God) but tomorrow is still coming…
Anyway, Big compliments and Respect to you all…
Yay all of us!
And I’m a veteran. That’s place will bring tears to anyone’s eyes
Last month, I had the opportunity to watch the “Changing of the Guard” Ceremony, last month, in it’s entire event. Inspector took almost 10-minutes inspecting “relief” Guard (weapon and uniform of relief guard) , before the change took place. Most impressive (and painful to watch) was the walking, in unison (with foot slap ground sound), all three participants, had feet slap ground in perfect timing (all 3-together).
The distance apart mattered not. Each step and resounding foot stomp, was in perfect sequence. The Arlington Cemetary tour we took was beyond impressive. We travelled to Arlington for placing my Brother-in-law in the ground. His internment was so well 'attended" that the event was delayed while officials worked out the details for so many vehicles.
Not making the trip again, until they plant me.
“All gave some and some gave all”
Thanks, beyond words to all, Veterans and their families.