Trying to get as much info on curing which is my next process. I just came across a conversation about sweating buds after drying but before you stick them in a jar for curing. This is the first I’ve heard that it was necessary. I need the smartesr community ILGM to fill me in so I can make a more informed decision. Than you again
I will " sweat" large solid buds in a paper sack at times for a day or so if keep jumping in RH. Last Runtz plants have had huge buds. Some are half an ounce or bigger each. They put out a ton of moisture for a good bit. I stop at 62 or 63 for long cure. Smells like punch now. Really does.
So if my buds are stable I dont need to do it but if they arent dry enough sweat them in a paper bag. My bigger ones that is. I dont think i have any 1/2 oz buds which by the way holy cow that’s crazy! I have a few that may be 1/4 oz.
That works well for me. Lots of ways.
If you have a stable rh of 60-63% no sweating is necessary , if its above id rather just put them on a tray and put them in a room with a stable 55-60% rh for 12-24 hours , it has the same effect essentially
Ok thanks…my drying room is stable so that would work well…Thank you
Thank you for the help
Anytime. Many ways used up here. A great growing resource.
Is it a necessary step - No. I think of it as extending the dry. The stems and larger denser buds have a higher moisture content. I take advantage of this natural moisture source to extend the time it takes to dry everything to a even level.
This last harvest I was not able to prepare everything to go into Grove Bags or jars at one time. In fact, I could not finish one tote until 6 days after loading it. This is after 10 days of drying in a tent.
I just checked the mini hygrometers I put in the jars. The jar dated 9/20 is 60%, the jar dated 9/22 is 56%
one Grove Bag filled 9/20 reads 58%. The hygrometers are not precise but accurate enough that for me they are all in a good rh / moisture range.
If nothing else the totes give me some flexibility. It takes a while for an old fart like me to process over a pound of nugs
Awesome thank you for tge info. Nice Nugs! So Ive been looking at the grove bags. This is my first cure and to me they look like a good idea but do they work as well as jars?
I believe they do with the added benefit of not having to burp them. You can see I have two jars and two grove bags. I burp the jars a couple times a day. I just look at the grove bags. A couple 1/2 gallon jars is manageable. But when I used quart jars it got to be a bit of a pain. I just ordered a 10 pack of 1/4# bags.
I just cut this girl yesterday and her sister the day before
This is the one pictured hung up to dry
Forgive my ignorance but what is sweating? Other than my sweating problem,Lol, I have never heard of it.
For myself… Regardless of a grove/paper bag hygrometer reading, I burp out the remaining off gases the buds continue to offer… 15 minutes for about 3 days…(I know, I know-groves dont need burping per se…but that’s a slow exchange, and I’m concerned about mold at the beginning)… Ok, If they become moist during this then they are still in sweat mode… I dump out on paper plate for a full hour, re jar…then proceed to the next day…
Ironically, you can recover buds that dry too fast by jaring and letting them rehydrate from internal sweating= (Its the internal oil and water content wicking to the outer edges of the bud)
Thank you that is very helpful. This is my first grow and i think this stage of trying to figure out how to get my buds down in proper time and get them all in cure containers i think is bothering me more than anything. Ive got it in my head that Im going to mess it up.
Similar to using a sauna to sweat. It is as @CLICKYBONES says the process of drawing internal moisture out. My using totes gives me the whole stem to draw from.
p.s. Bones - I guess that is why I still throw a hygrometer in grove bags. It higher than I want I will open it up.
The process happens in jars just the same. In jars its just more critical to release off gassing as they don’t breathe like other methods.
Back in the day we use to just call this a quick cure. You would get moisture in buds to equalize and get terps back without losing as much moisture weight. If you’re hustlin zips your harvest will put an extra couple bucks in your pocket.