Age : 1wk
-Method: Hydroponic Aero Garden
-Vessels: Plastic Well, approx. 1 gal, and 1.5gal
-PH 5.2-5.8 avg, 411-430ppm last 2 days
-PPM/TDS or EC of nutrient solution unsure
-Method used to measure PH and TDS is the Apera meter (ph) and the TDS-3 HM Digital
-Indoor system, 4Hx1.5Lx1W
-Light system standard large Aero light 50-70 watt
-Current Light Schedule 18/6
-Temps avg. 70-73°F
-Humidity; Room humidity 25% day, 33% night
-Ventilation system; No
-Ac yes, Humidifier in rm, not super effective as the room won’t hold humidity unless its on max 24/7
-Co2; No?
If growing Hydro some additional questions:
-DWC (i think? No idea what that means) plastic cones, sponge coir medium with self-poked holes
-Distance of liquid below net pot 1in or less
-Temperature of reservoir 70-73° typically (been using ice cubes to cool as needed)
-TDS of nutrient solution unsure
-Amount of air to solution - unsure
1/19 readings
Ph 5.6
Ph 5.5
Ph 5.2
Ppm 412, 890 in the small one
Havent been able to keep ppm between 500-600 like i want to and it increased a little yesterday after siphoning out 4.5C through the built in pumps, adding 6ml liquid feed (miracle grow) and tbsp peroxide in each reservoir, added .5ml ph up (AtlasScientific) to both tanks this morning as both wells read 5.2Ph (didnt want to overdo it as its pretty strong)
Sorry I wasn’t clear, if you can copy/paste all this info in your journal so everything is in 1 spot to make it easier for everyone, that way you don’t have multiple threads to keep track of
Any future questions just post on your journal all the info will be there, tag anyone, everyone likes to help out when they can
I agree with brother @Borderryan22 bring PH up I would only check it once a day until it remains steady you don’t want to be going up/down to much
They also do not need a lot of feed at this point under 500 is better than to much
I would keep them domed since your RH is low
I have a question for you
On that small Aero garden does the pump run all the time?
My old one used to run always when on I bought one like yours off market place and the pump does not stay on all the time it cycles
Sorry, i meant to post it on journal, which im guessing we add more by replying to the original thread? Im still getting used to the platform, so i assumed it needed to be under the troubleshooting hub . The smaller Aero doesnt run all the time, but i think it runs on a 60/60 schedule, the big one i can program to my needs, and i have a theory that if i lower the pump run time from 140/60 to 60/60 i just might be able to stabilize the ppm. Will definitely heed the ppm advice tho, and continue monitoring PH once a day
You mean cal-mag? She’s new so abbreviations might confuse the question. Pretty sure it’s 2-0-0 ratio in that, I think but I’m not home right now to look at my jug of the same