Super Thank You to this Forum and all of the awesome people here

I have been trying for 5 years to figure out/ dial in my grow plus my own skills. After adding an Deep red LED and a UV just to improve on my bud quality. I also was able to figure out that my water ( well ) was high PH, plus my soil mix was also high PH ( happy frog, ocean forest, bat guano, worm casting mix). By adding a PH lower to my water. I was able to stop slowly killing my plants. This was my most incredible harvest ever. Check out some photos. I had 3 plants Super Skunk Autos. One grew kinda Sativa tall, one Indica tight, short and bushy. And one was a Midget. It was basically 1 amazingly cola as thick as your forearm. The tricomes were super super frosty on all. Everything was possible because I either did my research or asked questions on this forum… Thanks everyone :smiling_face: :kissing_heart:


Congratulations on an excellent harvest and for sticking with it. :man_mage:


Most don’t and never reap the benefits :green_heart::metal:t2:
Great looking buds ya got :muscle:t2:
Gonna be :fire::fire::fire::fire: