Stunted growth I need help

Help help emergency I feel like I stunted growth on my zkittlez strain here

They been looking like this for about 2 weeks


Fill out a support ticket but main issue looks to be ph , soil and water ph is to high and locking you out of nitrogen

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Welcome to the community, do you have drain holes in the solo cups? Looks over-watered :love_you_gesture:


What’s the white stuff in the soil? Doesn’t look like perlite and could be some kind of mould from over watering? What soil? Water PH?

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Seedlings that size should be given only a couple ml of water per day. Overwatering at this stage causes root problems.


Definitely look over watered . The stems are brown sunken in and rotten looking where they meet the soil. My suggestion would be to start over. Just my opinion and what I see.


Good Morning :smiley: what they said :point_up::point_up:
You have to be very careful watering babies. :blush::v:

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Looks like they trying to hide from to much light and over watered… just my opinion :person_shrugging:

What do you see that indicates too much light?

Leaves curling downward along with the stalk bending /warping the way it is… like i said just my opinion

The only thing I would change is watering practices.

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Hi there @tmcm1601 Welcome to the neighborhood :grinning: Put a clear solo cup over and don’t water. The condensation on inside of cup is plenty

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[Uploading: IMG_20220612_144659.jpg…]
Here’s better pics of the babies it’s been about two weeks I’ve been letting the drain out alot better pics is a Lil deciving there dry on top the one with mold started to whiting after drying out I’m been only giving the around 10-15ml of water a day. I did add more top soil to plant that looks low

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I hate to be the bearer of bad news, and I’m no expert by any means, but they may be too far gone, unless you’re able to transplant in to bigger pots with dryer medium and see what happens, they look super saturated and the soil is turning white in one of them which doesn’t look too healthy on the soil, I could be wrong though and they may be able to be saved!
When they’re this young they literally need very little love with the water, a shot glass worth at most, or even just mist the soil with a spray bottle, hopefully you can bring them back though :pray:t2:

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I’ve been thinking the same but honestly they keep sprouting new leaves sets like the top leaves on all of them just came out over the last two days and I really believe I got a nitrogen problem cause of my leave color tho too pair just keep growing out I just can’t seem to make them grow in with I’m gonna transplant

Yeah give them a transplant and let them dry out a little would probably be the best start, what soil are you using may I ask?

I do believe i would start over imho. I’m seeing root rot issues and not worth continuing with the mental torture you’re putting on yourself… water your medium good before you plant your seed… then kick back and wait for a few days …pick up the dixie cup and feel how heavy the cup is… if it’s light and dry looking add some water to the outer edges of the cup… they don’t need that much water so be patient and only water when necessary…:muscle::sunglasses:

I’m using black gold organic

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Roots are solid I first thought was over watering and rootrot there In second week of growth after being planted roots sprouted like a charm I do have fungus gnats at the moment too also

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Oh dang sry… just trying to help…:muscle:

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