Strickland A Head High

Continuing the discussion from First grow 3 weeks old Malawi gold:


Thanks a true bunch for your help and point in the right direction. ( Durban Poison ) Can you send me the link where I can purchase them. My wife was the first to mention to me , LETS GROW. That was kinda a shock when she said that but that’s because it’s legal now. So we’re both on the same page now to start growing.

Thanks Again


That is available in the seed shop. Both varieties.


This is the Durban Poison Photo


That looks nice! This is on my list to grow again for sure! How long did you veg for?


Vegged for 4 weeks from sprout.



Is that a name for a Seed ? Sprout or are you saying you started smoking from sprout ?

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Sprout meaning when she broke ground ( seedling)

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I can vouch for the ilgm durban poison its bomb azz



I can always Experiment, try one try the other see how they taste see how they react on my brain. I like the brain high. I’ve told this story a thousand times. Sitting at the table with a buddy of mine. We’re sitting there BS about cars and dude talk. To me the 70s rocked so that particular time in my life was so laid back. So back to sitting there and I roll us the new smoke I was telling him about. After a half joint and smaller that a pencil Here’s a picture

That really was a stare off into outer space then snap out of it kind of stoned.

All you can do is except that this becomes noticeable that your stone and the urge ingulfs your body with LMAO as I’m looking at him he’s looking at me as in WTF just happen.

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I’ve been looking at so many types of seeds it’s overwhelming. To find the strain in just Indica is not a easy task. I totally don’t like the sativa. Only because of the Dispensaries. It tasted like smoking a cigarette. Not sure if there stealing of the bud then sticking tobacco in place what they shaved off. I’ve herd from others that sativa is crap. Been out of the loop for a long time , drug testing for my job. Now that I’m retired I’m finding out that the 70s are way gone and that smoke back then is just a memory. I can’t get that out of my thoughts of the tickle it gave your throat followed by coughing then the in controllable laughing. Then the head going into Zombie State LOL. If there’s a seed out there that will produce that kind of of high in Indica strain , point me in that direction. I don’t think London even has anything that will touch RedBud either. Hell they didn’t even know the name. LOL I will say the Dispensaries are such a waist of money. I won’t smoke those chemicals.

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I believe Grand daddy purple is all indica?
Maybe. :thinking:

Im kinda with you there, i like indicas best but there are a few great sativas out there as well and durban poison is pretty old school as well as grandaddy purps which is abbout 100 percent indica and pretty bomb ass as well. If you like indicas aurora indica is kick ass as well but getting harder to find

There’s some pretty good Kush Indica strains.

So I just got back from a dispensary and got a patch for my back. It works but there kinda expensive , $17.00. It works but I’m sure Walgreens has something just as good for a lot less. Hey what does on plant give you In return for growing your self. So I purchase 2 8ths and that patch with a 15% discount came to $101.00. But I don’t smoke much and this stuff is like gooy. There no way to roll this. It will have to dry. Left some pictures. That patch is definitely working