Starting From Zero

This journal tells about steps I’ve been taking for my first grow - preparing
We’re nearing the point when I’m going to close out this “Starting from Zero” journal and begin a different one for showing my grow.

With the last journal update, I told you: “Of all the stuff I still need to buy, there’s only ONE that still needs to be in-hand before I begin my first grow… a pH tester.”

Today, that new “value series” Apera Tester Kit arrived! This is the point when I get start getting my hands dirty and stop spending for awhile.

Next preparation step: Learn to use my new testers (both EC & pH).
. . . . I should probably wait to get elevated for the day until after I’ve read the user manuals first

I think I’m gonna follow @MP_Grow 's playbook… just have a lil fun with my new toys… using 'em to test the soil I’ve picked up for my (future) seedlings - - checking pH of my water. You can read that journal for yourself right here: :point_right: Getting Dope with Chocolope - #3 by mpeterson

I hope this testing will turn out to be my final preparation - fingers crossed that EC & pH readings will be good… That they confirm soil & water are good to go!
