Yes, much to learn here. My wife grows different cactuses’ and she is sold on the Coco as well, so much so she ordered a second 50L bag, lol.
Girls this afternoon. Yes I have an old blurple light doing duty. Easier than moving the Spider Farmer 4000. Might as well use it, my daughter wants it for her veggies.
Looking forward to seeing your progress.
Looking good, ours look to be at about the same point. I’ll get some pictures later this morning.
Looking good!! I’m outta likes but I’ll hit cha back!
Girls today. They finally got fed for the first time with Jack’s 3-2-1. First time using it. Forgot to PH the water but the runoff came in at 6 and 5.8. I am using RO water.
Girls today. I transplanted them a little early as we took an anniversary drive to the mountains to get away. Feeding was off, I left some RO water mixed with a little Liquid Karma and Cal-Mag for my daughter to water. Today they got fed for the second time since getting back home. They seem to be loving the Jack’s 3-2-1 routine. It is also a whole lot easier to deal with. I am finding out with the RO water, I don’t need to PH the water after the ingredients are mixed in. Today’s runoff PH numbers came in at 5.8 and 6.0
Girls today. I am extremely happy you all talked me into Coco and jacks, not sure who did what though, lol. @Myfriendis410 @CoyoteCody @Covertgrower @Nicky. These girls have got the biggest leaves of anything I have grown so far, and they are looking great. Absolutely no signs of any deficiencies. I am using RO water, and the PH after mixing Jacks reads around 5.5 or so. I have tried both feeding as is and adjusting to 5.8 or so. The runoff PH yesterday on both was near 6.2 , which seems maybe a little too high for Coco? The plants seem great and I am not complaining, just asking. Also I have been feeding every other day in the greenhouse, and I seem to have read somewhere you can feed them Jack’s daily with no harm?
Go ahead and feed daily 5.8
Also increase your light your nodes are to far apart it’s stretching
@Nicky has got you covered!
hey Nicky, thanks. heck they are 16=17" above, but will fix that tomorrow. @CoyoteCody, thanks as well. Any comments on the PH or trying to PH the water?
I would keep it at 5.8 just monitor the run off and if it keeps going up then we can correct it, but feeding and watering at 5.8 once a day will help keep it at that spot. Plants look great!!
Thanks, I will keep going as I am then, thanks
No problem bro!
Yep, you can!
Amazing stuff, truly
I second and suggest always watering to about 20% runoff. Do monitor the last 1/4 cup or so for TDS and PH. I would not be surprised if your (buffered) coco had just a bit too much gypsum in it. Not enough to even worry about: your plants will be happy in the range you’ve quoted. Monitoring runoff for salt buildup will also help maintain stable PH as it will tell you when to flush. Possible you may not need to with the Jack’s; only running it will tell you.
Watering daily (or at least making sure media is damp) is necessary for coco as it becomes hydrophilic when it dries out.
Thanks, great advise . I do monitor the PH and TDS. very impressed with the Jack’s formula so far. I do make sure media stays moist unlike soil