So i got bored and decided to drop 3 seeds that i got in a bag of gsc (2 seeds) and some gorilla glue(1 seed) . They are absolutely beautiful seeds and i know i should have taken a pic of them but they are already in the germination station . Would bet my life they are photos so this will be a longer grow than my autos but will be interesting to see the differences in the growth rates, the different temperments, height, colors,smells and yeilds .
any tips for photos from any of you experienced growers are always appreciated. These are not gauranteed to be females either but im keeping my fingers crossed …whats the worst that could happen? I find out they are males and they get pulled? Still got 5 other strain going now so i wont be empty handed👍Don’t over water, follow directions on your nutrients, and most of all have enough light for everything to flower and finish.
since you are using bag seeds…you will have males. suggest you plant twice as many as you want to harvest. no fun after months of effort and expense to find ALL MALES.
Going to top this girl here, she is a auto super skunk that started outside but has now been brought back inside (thoroughly cleaned and examined for pest and everything …all clear) and now i want to know should i top her and does she have enough nodes ?
Not an expert by any means, but I’ve heard to top after 4-5 nodes on this forum. However, I don’t know if I’d count the first one here. Others may have other opinions.
@Missiles are you with me for this top ( first time remember) ?
@Ncgreenthumber I personally would wait for at least another node or two to grow. Probably more like 2. She has a lot of stretch between the first couple set of leaves.
Well if you look at the bottom of the stem there you see the 2 brown rings ? Those were also 2 sets of leaves there but they browned and fell off , so wouldnt those be counted as nodes also ?
The brown spots your referring to are the cotyledon that eventually die off after a certain stage. Here is a picture of when it’s a good time to top
You should wait until the 4th or 5th node. Some wait until the 6th. That would be up to you. By all means you could do it now I’m just not sure what kind of results you would get. But if you want to experiment I’m game
Dang @Missiles that is beautiful intermodal spacing on that plant
Haha it is isn’t it @GreenJewels . It’s one I found in the lab that isn’t one of mine lol I wish
What about this internodal spacing ?
and ok @Missiles ill wait for 1 more node which should only be a day or 2 and then we will top .Also is tighter internodal spacing better for the plant ? Or does than produce a better yeild or tighter buds ?
I’m not sure if it is any better but you don’t want them to far apart. And I’m not too sure how it affects yield or bud size
The spacing on this girl looks fine to me
Yes they do. They look great
Thank you ma’am ! How are your girls doing by the way ?
Your very welcome they are doing great. I updated on the one that is close to harvest last night. I’m just doing the waiting game with her lol