Spudgunner's Clone Grow

There is THC in the leaves, we used to smoke them when we were teens! Just not much, but if you smoke a couple, you would get stoned. And that’s a couple each!
Cheap Columbian was always good for those cakes, cheap enough when you buy lots and sell enough to get your outlay back…free!


Those were the Days (or Daze) my friend.
They say, the weed was not that good.
I disagree. Now I hurt more, so I need more, thats all.


And tolerance levels are thru the roof!

Well, I managed to trim everything, took longer than I thot it would. So never got around to taking down the tent ladies, easier to add 2 gallons of tap to the res for the next day. I did trim about 20 big fan leaves off until I said F&uck it leave it until tomorrow. Lot more time then.


Interesting, good to know. I will start saving them also…
Yeah, @DEEPDIVERDAVE I used to love the Columbian and Acopulcan Gold back then. The nickel bags or when I’d save up enough dime bags. Hahaha

There’s some, not much. I don’t bother saving my leaves, too much hassle for what you’d get out of them. But when we were 15/16, we’d smoke anything to get high!

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Oh, heck yeah, you don’t have to tell me. I smoked a lot of pot that was garbage that I wouldn’t even look at now. I even tried smoking Blood Root as a kid after I was told they make amphetamines from it. LOL

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I “throw away” much more nowadays, instead of trying to smoke it all.


Much snow coming to the mountains.
Stay safe and warm


Jealous here, we have it all but rain instead of snow… Rain blowing sideways!

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Snow in the hills…coastal areas and lower elevations inland get rain rain rain! There is a “bomb cyclone” off in the Pacific that’s messing with our weather for the next few days. Rapidly dropping pressure causes high winds. I’m lucky where I am, most of our power is underground, think we’ve only lost power here twice in 3-1/2 years we’ve been here.


Nice ours has been blinking on and off, seems to have calmed down a bit, from this am.


Wind surfing fun for the young


They have been Surfing out on lake Michigan and Lake Huron, crazy sobs, but they are wearing dry suits its fricking cold in them waters atm.


Well, harvest day is upon me! Had the brilliant idea of running a twine from my garage door motor mount to a screw sticking out the wall above my deep freezer. Perfect!

So tackle them one at a time (duh, how else can ya do it!) starting at front left. Snipped all the supports and she flopped down like a fat drunk!

Anyways, stripped all the fans off, here are the 2 biggest colas about the size of my forearm.

Trim and snip, trim and snip. A nice height to work at, lots of light to see!

These are the 5 biggest colas off that first plant…

So of course, once you remove the supports, the second one falls and splits. No amount of tape or honey will save her!

One of her larger branches

Before the trim

Getting trimmed

Last branch to go!

Good enough, have to leave some leaf matter on there for edible trim!

Which leaves number 3, hogging half the tent

She hangs nicely

And cleaned up nicely too!

Well, that concludes this grow! Except for the drying, more trimming, jarring, burping…always something to do, even when you think you’re done! Which reminds me, have to take up the l1ttle ball of finger hash up and add to my stash, and burp those jars from yesterday!

Stay warm and lit everyone!


Harvest congratulations Sir @Spudgunner :confetti_ball: :clap: :bouquet: :partying_face:


Thanks @kaptain3d glad this one is in the books!

Next run of photos I do I’m gonna take some pages from your book and torture them a bit. I got lazy the last couple of grows, need to bend them to my will, make them strong-limbed.

Think next run will be some autos tho…wonder how long it’ll take me before I soak some beans!


Hahaha sounds like you had it in traction pretty good. Nice and heavy I bet. Congratulations on the nice buds! I love me some old fashioned Hash too!


Congrats on grow completion.
Looks pretty hanging.

It’s spuuosed to get easier, but still takes work.


Congrats Spud, they looking good hanging by their toes.


That’s the prep area! They’re hanging back down in the cellar. I staple some twine to the bottom of the floor joists, then I can hang them in pieces with wire.

Four or five days down here and they will be ready to pop off the stalks. So another Sunday Football Funday from the looks of it.

So I had a nice little ball of finger hash, almost as big as the last digit on my pinky, half to 3/4 of a gram. Think I can find it now? I thot I put it down on my laptop. But a 90 minute call to my sister and now I can’t find it! I didn’t put it in the hash stash, not on the floor…Sheba? Did you eat my little ball of hash?


Found it! Ok it’s only about the size of a wasabi pea, but still, not good for Sheba, good for me!

Balls are sticky, it was stuck under the lid handle of a ceramic pot where I keep my…pot! And I mean hash balls, man you guys and your gutter thots!