Spudgunner's Clone Grow

Well, the branch that this wispy clone was taken from got harvested a couple weeks ago, buds were mostly straggly leaves. Glad there are only 2 jars of it! The one in the tent in the autopot got yanked for more space. I guess I’ll keep this one, the others aren’t taking up any more space, just fattening up now I hope!

Shits and giggles experiment. She’s looking the shits, but I’ll get the giggles after I smoke her “buds” :rofl:


Congrats I guess :sweat_smile: lol no really good job, I would have gotten rid of it, but I don’t have room for questionable plants. I bet you girls are smelling fantastic, lookin great my friend :innocent: have a great day

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Good day Spud. Watching any or wait til playoffs. Just highlights here. Good win last night eh.

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Canucks didn’t play last night! Neither did the Leaves, not that I’m a Toronto fan. Baseball? Don’t follow.

Thanks @Dennis62 she can stay in a corner for now. But she’s one piss-me-off away from getting axed! But 4 or 5 weeks to go, you never know!

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I almost yanked mine the last run i had. They are larfy. I am giving the stuff a long cure to see if it helps it some.


Kief mining and utilize as a boost for smokable weed.
Weed Trim Bin?


Just moved to the Midwest after long stents in the Southeast and West. I’ve been a huge fan. It’s everything I was looking for in the West but they still eat good stuff like butter and pies.

Welcome to the Great State @MedLifeCrisis and do not forget real lard in the pie crust, and Pastie crusts… :+1:

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Loving your setup and rotation. You’ve got some real beauties! I’m looking at getting something similar going, doing single runs of autos was not producing enough. Following along!


Thanks @Bentstick!!! Don’t have to tell me twice. I ordered a buttered biscuit in Colorado once and I’ll tell you what it was the dryest thing I ever found in that desert. I’m from the heartland where if you order a buttered biscuit there’s enough butter on it to stop your heart. Pasties are next level though, went and humbled an old country boy with a pot roast in a biscuit sack.

@Spudgunner Canadians also have it figured out. I will always take a little maple syrup with my maple syrup and Tim Horton doughnuts are little puffs of magic in my mouth. Something about could winters must inspire tasty food. I’ve heard about a killer fry combo too but haven’t tried it yet.


Yeah, we put maple syrup on everything! Personally, don’t like it, not even on pancakes (unless there’s nothing else, like jam). Must be the English :england: in me!

My rotation…it works for a while, at least until I get tired of growing the same strain. Like now, I have no clones growing and 2 areas in flower, none in veg. My main issue is that I have a hard job culling, especially if they are healthy looking plants. So I take a dozen or so cuts, and most of those root out, yet I only have room for 4 in the tent if I use the autopots. So my veg area in the cellar usually turns into a flower space as well, and the cycle is broken! Of course, by then I have over a pound of that strain and need a change.

Thanks for following along! My style is a lazy-ass style, make lots of plans but only half to to fruition! Like I’ve never tested my pH or ppm’s, either going in or coming out. Never water to runoff. Even tho I have a new Apera pc60 tester, got it 2 years ago for Christmas, still in the box! Maybe if things go sideways…but until they do…


Sacrilege!!! I’m Irish, so of course I’d want to fight about it. It is funny how deep those traits can go, after finding out I was Irish my life started making way more sense.

I’m thinking a propagation tent for bonsai mother’s and clones, 3x3 for veg and the 5x5 for flower. That way I can shut down the veg and flower tent and just have the tiny 40 watt LEDs running between grows.

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@DEEPDIVERDAVE thatscan idea. Or maybe i could practice making bubble hash with the stuff. I would really like to be able to make good hash like we used to get off the streets a while back. I know they used to just roll the plant between they’re hands and then rub them on cheese cloth to remove the resin and thats how they did it but, that would take alot of plants to get a few ounces!

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weed trim bin used, after 3-screenings removing stems and such.
Grow was utilized for seed production and kief mining.
Seeds recovered (buds destroyed).
Kief was a bonus for destroying buds.


Wowsers! Thats just all the trichomes that fall down in between the micro mesh screen as you trim! I never got that much form a trimming yet!

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Dry trimming over a trim is how ya get it, or you use Ice and water or Dry ice for wet product sure there is other as Qwet, rso etc,etc


I have 3 bottles of Everclear that folks brought up from the States for me, I need to do a coupe Qwet runs with some of my leftovers. Altho the outdoor weed’s leaves were just left on the lawn to rot into mulch! I’ll have a good batch of material by New Years tho!


My mother-in-law was Northern Irish, my father-in-law Scottish. When I first got introduced to them, she’d love to fight at dinner, and he’d just stir the pot and get her going! And yes, first question was Catholic or Protestant, glad Agnostic was an acceptable answer!

I’ve never kept a dedicated mother, most of my clones come from regular trimmings/topping/branch culling. All plants contribute to the next generation, then fulfill their destinies by producing me some nice buds to smoke!

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Hope they’d take Pagan… It’s our heritage! My dad especially hates that answer, he’s a preacher.

I’ve been thinking about going that route too, definitely seems cleaner and less management. Getting into bonsai though and saw this guide for small low maintenance bonsai mother’s I’m going to try. They only use a little light and very little feed so you can conserve genetics between active grows at low time and money cost. My first clones from my most vigorous plant just happened to grow exactly how they train them in the guide I found 2 days after so felt kismet.

What is this between you speaketh of? There is no between! You can get stuck in an infinite loop!

I tried keeping my Death Bubba genetics by sending 4 snips to someone out in Niagra Falls, with the idea that he sends them back after my trip to Sri Lanka last year. He grew them out and haven’t heard from him since. But I’ve found other strains that are good, and more I want to try, and have lots of what I’m growing now…so this time there will be a between I guess! Fresh beans in January!