Soil or soilless for the beginner marijuana grower

Sunlight is free, and about 1/4 of their total life will be under natural light which is pretty much impossible to beat. I am in California and own my own home with a fairly discreet yard. Even so, they are only out when I’m home.

Basically I’m saving electricity.


That’s what I was trying to get at when I started this thread @Support_Team I don’t think there is a more appropriate section. From what I’m reading there are a lot more on this forum working in soilless than hydroponics so I was asking for a Soilless Category. Maybe it’s just me not knowing that hydroponics included soilless.


Ok cool I get it. I’m just paranoid about pollen. I’m that guy … lol.

Thanks for all the awesome information
As per your instructions I added 4lb by weight of worm castings to each 5gal by volume bucket mixed throughly before filling buckets

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My name is " Will " and I would like to welcome you to ILGM
Here is a list for you to look over…

In order to thrive and grow, your weed needs…

Light (brightness has a huge effect on yields)

                                      1.) CFL Grow Lights

CFL grow lights are the twisty-looking bulbs you can find anywhere you normally buy light bulbs. They produce a great spectrum for growing cannabis and can be used in tiny spaces where no other grow light would fit such as the inside of a cabinet.

Keeping CFLs close results in the best yields and growth

                                      2.) T5 Grow Lights

T5 grow lights are one of the most easily available types of grow lights and are used to grow many different types of plants. As a result, they’re available in many garden and home improvement stores.

T5s are much bigger/wider than CFLs and usually come as part of a panel, but they can still be kept mere inches away from your plants without worrying about burning them.

These cannabis plants are thriving under T5 grow lights

       3.) High Intensity Discharge (HID) Grow Lights

HID grow lights are much more efficient than fluorescent lights and are powered by large, oddly-shaped bulbs. They are usually screwed into a reflector or hood to reflect more light down onto the plants. HIDs are great at growing cannabis, but they also get very hot and are usually hooked up to an exhaust to help vent out heat

             4.) Metal Halide (MH) Grow Lights

Metal Halide grow lights are generally used for the vegetative stage because they produce a bluish light that vegetative plants love, though this type of light can also be used all the way to harvest.

The light from a Metal Halide appears a little bluish, and is well suited to growing cannabis plants in the vegetative stage

            5.) High Pressure Sodium (HPS) Grow Lights

High Pressure Sodium grow lights are often used during the flowering stage because they are very efficient and their yellow light stimulates bud production. HPS grow lights in the flowering stage get better yields per watt of electricity than any other type of grow light available today, which is a big part of why they are so popular.

The light from an HPS appears yellow, and is great for flowering plants because the light spectrum stimulates bud production

6.) Ceramic Metal Halide (CMH) & Light Emitting Ceramic (LEC) Grow Lights

These are actually just two names for the same thing. This type of metal halide bulb uses ceramic as part of the lamp just like an HPS. As a result, CMH bulbs are more efficient than regular MH lights (though still not as efficient as HPS bulbs).

Lately I’ve been seeing CMH grow lights these labeled as “LEC” lights, which stands for “Light Emitting Ceramics.” Since LECs are the same thing as CMH lights, personally I think the term “LEC” is used to make this seem like some new type of light, and in order to ride on the popularity of LEDs…

“LEC” and “CMH” both refer to Ceramic Metal Halide grow lights, which is a type of HID light that is a bit more efficient than a regular Metal Halide light
High Pressure Sodium grow lights are often used during the flowering stage because they are very efficient and their yellow light stimulates bud production. HPS grow lights in the flowering stage get better yields per watt of electricity than any other type of grow light available today, which is a big part of why they are so popular.

The light from an HPS appears yellow, and is great for flowering plants because the light spectrum stimulates bud production

                 7.) LED Grow Lights

LED grow lights are very popular among cannabis growers as an alternative to HPS grow lights. They tend to run cooler and also usually come with built-in cooling. They can often be plugged into a wall and simply hung over plants which is definitely easier than setting up an HID grow light. LEDs also have great penetration so they don’t need to be moved frequently like fluorescents.

Simply hang an LED light over your plants and start growing!

   Example of MH/HPS Setups That Yield 1-5 Ounces/Month

250W HID

1-2 oz per month
Electricity: $69/month (including electricity for fans)
Initial Setup Cost: $605.00

400W HID

1.5 - 3.5 oz per month
Electricity: $96/month (including electricity for fans)
Initial Setup Cost: $744.00

600W HID

2.5 - 5 oz per month
Electricity: $128/month (including electricity for fans)
Initial Setup Cost: $780.00

There is a larger size MH/HPS grow light available (1000W), but at that size it starts going outside the scope of a “hobbyist” grower as far as ease and yields. In addition to needing a lot of extra cooling which costs electricity, a 1000W HPS grow light is less efficient compared to a 600W grow light (as far as how much light is put out for electricity used). I think most hobbyist growers would be happier with a 600W, or even two 600W lights, over a 1000W :slight_smile:

HIDs are very well suited to growing cannabis and very easy to use once they’re set up. If your main goal is to get the highest yields possible, then HIDs are the way to go! However, they do require extra setup compared to the other grow lights because chances are you will need a fan to vent out heat from your grow space

Air (fresh air with a slight breeze is best)

a Grow Medium (place to grow, soil isn't your only choice)

the right Temperature (room temperature or a little warmer is perfect during the day, cannot stand freezing at night) 

Nutrients (start at half as much as what's recommended on the package)

Water (maintain pH for best results, soil likes 6 - 7 pH & hydro likes 5.5 - 6.5 pH)

Whether growing marijuana plants indoors or outdoors, you will need to ensure that it gets the proper amount of these six resources. You will be rewarded with big colas!



Thanks Will I’m just hillbilly
Link to my Grow Journal

Actually, some people claim including ProMix manufacturers, that this is a true hydro medium and is PH’d the same as hydro.

I personally use a soil pH for ProMix and do not consider it totally a hydro medium but, these are opinions on both sides IMO.

Soory; We do not plan to add a soil less category due to the fact that many categories already exist where soil less Q and A can be posted.

Happy growing :slight_smile:


@Whodat66 go through and read this it will explain a lot

With all the knowledge being shared on the topic of soil, I am wanting to grow hydroponically, does any of this pertain to me?

I am starting with fairly easy growing (Fem) strains: White Widow, Girl Scout Cookies, Strawberry Kush and Super Skunk.
I am using a hydro tent. I’ve recently been looking into worm casting soil, etc. 1595ef2f0c7c0e1d74a453e03ff44479


Which should I use to grow?

Definitely want to stay away from miracle gro , it’s time release is no good for cannabis.
Secondly if you want to grow Hydroponically you don’t need any soil. Rockwool, or clay balls are the go to medium.
And if you change your mind, and grow in soil might I suggest fox farm ocean forest. It’s great for cannabis, and a lot of people on here use it with great results.

I personal use MG poting soil. The N.P.k on the back bottom left should read something like 0.06 0.04 0.07 that’s not it but very close and no time release.
But your going hjydro so its not for you