Skunk red hair grow

Unless you find a source of pollen production a few seeds found at the preflower sites is normal sometimes. I believe these will be female. I usually have more than one strain growing so I have wondered if the genetics of these seeds would be specific to the plant it came from or if it were influenced (pollinated) from a different strain. @ latewood, @garrigan62 , @PigSquishy.

Started a new grow(romulan) and having trouble with Temps and humidity the Temps stay between 80-90°f too high right??? And humidity is around 20 what can I do to fix this problem any info helps thanks

If you are using a blower and carbon scrubber you could pull air from a cooler part of your home. My grow is air tight so when I push the heat through the lights and out of the room, air from a cool part of the basement is being pulled in.tons of thought went into my design before I built.