Should I Have Defoliated More?

Holy sh!t!! And that’s an auto you said correct???

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No that was a photo. The auto is the bruce banner. I got 1.5lbs off of

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My biggest auto is in my tent now. I want to try this scrog method but the whole not being able to take out for watering is what deters me


Yeah scrog made it hard for me on that one. My bruce banner i just did major lst too

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Can you post that photo of tell me how to get to it? I screenshot your plant the other day when k came across it as a goal to reach. Lol

Just regular LST constantly pulling the colas away from each other


That is insanity! 2 plants are huge!

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I set the plant on an elevated rack with a saucer (tray) below the plant. The tray collects the runoff. Pull the tray and discard the runoff. This makes it easy to check ph & ppm of runoff.

This is a different frame.

The day it was flipped