Oh okay if you remember will you tag me when you post it. I’ll probably see it anyway so it’s no big deal if you forget… thanks for always helping us out
Let me know when it’s done and I’ll post it on the Support Ticket thread.
Awesome! The sprinkler and flashing are great ideas. Nice setup Cali!
Thank you, brother Shade!!
Hey @AfgVet, I haven’t seen you in a wile… everything ok???
Hey girl, it’s all good, just super usy with some things that have popped up, but im always here and checking out the grows!!!
It’s been a week since last update. I have completely ignored my gals for that time LOL… I went out last night and scoped a few leaves and I still have thrips.
I was getting ready to mix up some more Stylet-Oil and it doesn’t mention thrips at all. So I went back to the PureCrop 1 (at least for thrips) but I’ll need to buy more.
They all got sprayed once, then I trimmed them up which opened up a lot of airflow in the canopy. Then I decided to spray them once again with the newly created space.
Before and after trimming. It still needs more but I removed a lot… I mean a LOT!
So good to hear from you! Glad you are ok You know how I worry
I got some hungry chickens who would love those leaves
Everything is looking great, any signs of budding yet?
Do have any experience with Growers Ally: Crop Defender 3 or The Amazing Dr. Zymes Eliminator? Just wondering how they compare to the PureCrop1.
Oh yeah, they are all budding! I didn’t get pics (again) LOL… Can’t see the trees through the forest
I’ve had samples of both and they seem just meh to me… The person who told me about Zymes was so passionate about it. It’s comparable to Lost Coast Plant Therapy (which I think is actually better than Zymes)… both use essential oils of some kind.
The Stylet-Oil gets rave reviews but it didn’t do anything for my thrips… but the label and directions for use don’t mention thrips at all. When I researched it, thrips are in a different ‘class’ of critters called Polyphagous. The label says "Aphid-Transmitted Plant Viruses and Phytophagous insects and mites.
I’ve been trying to wrap my brain around the difference between Phytophagous and Polyphagous insects are (other than Polyphagous feed on plants OR plant material (like roots and stems) and Phytophagous seem to prefer the greens of a single type of plant.
- Feeding on plants or plant material. Used especially of insects.
- Feeding on plants; herbivorous.
- Feeding on many different kinds of food.
- Eating, or subsisting on, many kinds of food.
The other difference is that thrips actually scrape or scratch the leaf tissue and eat the juices while aphids and mites pierce the leaf tissue and suck out the juices.
Ugh… the more I research the more confused I get LOL
I’ve had aphids, and captain jacks dead bug really worked well for me. I’ll suggest to mix the concentrate twice recommended mix, and it’ll work better. Apply every couple of days until no activity is seen. Then apply weekly to be sure.
@scryptic thought you’d enjoy this read. I saw you asking about Crop Defender
Thanks for all the info Cali. Sounds like PureCrop1 is still the gold standard. I’m trying to prepare for next season and get my supplies.
I second the use of CJDB for control of aphids and thrips. Good stuff.
Quick update with some issues (not bad, but each one has something going on)
87" Tall
Signs of overfeeding (burnt tips) hmmm… The only thing I can think of is… nope… can’t think of anything
No signs of male parts… this was a REG/FEM seed from Seedsman
A few tiny white hairs here and there.
BUT WTH? It’s mid August.
83" Tall
flowering well but still small
A few of her little bud have the very ends of the hairs turning brown already
GF #1
78" Tall
Flowering well
Some signs of phosphorus deficiency
Same thing with the ends of her white hairs… a few turning brown
GF #2
79" Tall
Flowering well
Also some signs of phosphorus deficiency
Those are farther along than my outdoor plants, and I’m just above the 49th! We haven’t even hit 14 hour/day of sunlight yet, another 3 days and we will. You’re probably still getting 15 hours where you are.
I’m hoping mine finish before the October rains
I still have one plant thats not in flower yet also, but she’s close. Most of mine started flowering last week, 2 the week before. Im just waiting on one straggler. I wonder if it will finish last as well.
Did you grow any tomatoes this year or any veggies?
I noticed that everything I typically grow outdoors during the summer has struggled in one way or another this year. All of my tomatoes were small, peaches were small, peppers were scarce.