I wasn’t exactly sure where to post this nor could I find this question posed in the past.
I was wondering is there any way to find out when ilgm will either be adding new seeds or more importantly removing any from their catalog?
It’s one of those things that I’m stuck saving up money but if I had to buy some seeds cuz I knew they were going away I would bump up the seed purchase on my priority list.
Thank you for your help and time everyone. Have a nice afternoon.
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I know Ive gotten email rom Robert/ILGM about new strains/mixed paks . there should be a link some where to be on the site for it. Couldn’t tell u though
Don’t know what to tell you one strains they take out of the line up.
maybe @garrigan62 can help u out. Good Luck
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Thank you for the reply. I appreciate that. I have noticed a few of those emails come through I will check them out next time. Thanks
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