Seeds crumbling

Hey guys, i had to stop growing for about 9 months and i had a seed mix pack that i ordered from ilgm. It was 5 each of maui wowie, la confidential, and nyc diesel. They all sat in the same envelope & packets they came in, stored in a drawer along with previously ordered seeds. All the seeds look fine and i have several strains germinated, except for the maui wowie. 2 of the seeds were crumbled, 1 refused to germinate, another has a tap root that curled up and hasnt grown at all in 4 days. The seed is still closed, otherwise. And i have one soaking in water, but that one is all dark and off-looking too.

I dont expect a replacement or anything a year later, but i am curious do certain seeds store differently than others, or is this a problem with the seeds themselves? I have seeds that are twice as old that still look great and germinate in the same exact spot/envelope, so its gotta be one of those 2 options right? I just want to make sure i didn’t do anything wrong. Thanks.

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Im not sure at all. Honestly? Maybe a bad batch of seeds or even bad luck.

Wouldnt hurt to reach out tho eh?

I keep all my seeds in the same place. Cool dark area away from moisture and daily handling. And ive had them pop 3 years after purchase.

Had you opened the packs before storing? If so is it possible you left the baggie open? That would allow air to flow over them and I guess after so long they lose viability.

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The only time I’ve seen something similar happen was my fault. I put a vacuum on them with a Foodsaver and it crushed them. I haven’t seen similar comments in the time I’ve been here. I suppose it’s possible that they were crushed in the mail.


I had seed mailed to me that were crushed to oil from the P.O. like they were smashed between heavy rollers.

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Ok thanks guys. I guess ill just reach out and see what they say. The one that has a tap root…the tap root is still growing but it hasnt even begun to push the seed or create a stem. I planted a white widow, from last grow, 2 days ago, and its already up and about to start pushing the seed off

Im hoping the MW is just really old and eventually itll get to a point where it starts catching up to speed, but its falling so far behind the others, i might have to sticj with the WW. Really wanted to try that MW tho

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Just wanted to give an update. ILGM is replacing the 5 maui wowie seeds. What a great company. Great customer service too.

Unfortunately I wont be able to use them in this grow, but i cant wait to get them going next grow.


I got a pack of zkittles auto seeds with one crushed seed in it. ILGM sent me another five pack. Basically four free seeds. That’s why I didn’t contact them when three or four gg4 seeds didn’t germinate, but we’re back to even now. They definitely stand behind their seeds with the best guarantee in the business.


How do you like the zskittles? Was thinking if ordering them next

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Happens. I imagine they don’t actually pick up the seeds when sorting just shuffling them to a spot. I’m positive there’s a whole bunch of blanks or empty seed shells in the stock


It’s one of our favorites.


Great to hear. Cant believe the replacement seeds got here already too