I’ve had fine successes with “high” temps.
Increases the demand for moisture in the air, but with a seedling it isn’t a bad idea to have that humidifier running on high since the plants absorb the moisture through leaves and not roots while they haven’t got roots to use.
The real q here is the DLI of the lamp at the height it’s at. If it’s high DLI, then the lamp can be raised or dimmed or both. But truthfully I’m not worried about any temp that isn’t in the 90s.
Higher temps demand higher humidity to keep VPD in check - definitely not something I’d willingly impart on any new grower. If it happens it happens but man is the equipment to regulate the environment more expensive the hotter you run.
Highly recommend downloading “Photone” on your phone. It’s an app for measuring your DLI - daily light something. There’s an excellent thread about DLI here: Start using DLI