Second Grow and beyond! The seed collection has started

I have been using the Canna range of soil and nutes from seed. Fattie has been water only for about a week and The Gimp went to water only yesterday. :face_with_monocle: :+1: :sunglasses:


Thanks mate - good info. If the blobs are falling off, is that an indication that they have hardened or aged past ideal? I have quite a few ambers showing now - and am very aware of leaving too long. I have a couple of very wet stormy days coming up. I will keep an eye on them, and will probably chop when my RH gets down to a manageable level.
Nobody touches my buds! That is punishable by a lot of stabbing and verbal abuse! :crazy_face: :rofl: :+1:


Yes, generally as the buds become over mature the glands will begin to wither and bulbous heads will fall off leaving just the stalk part. This also happens when people mess with their buds


@Budz420 @Cannabian Budz these photos look amazing as always, the more I see them the more jealous I get. I have forced myself to stay away from the tent for the last few days and went to water the girls this morning and found a lot of browning and wilting. Could you guys comment on my below??

I have one plant who’s fan leaves have all died and I have cleaned those up, sugar leaves have also browned and my flowers look like the below.

My second have only started and actually look ok still.

My third fan leaves are all heavy yellowed and show nutrient deficiency and the sugar leaves browning and curling.

My shaking Trichome photos….


Harvest them, they are dun.


@Cannabian thanks for the input, I will chop them ASAP. With this being my first brow and first harvest, any recommendation on drying?

Whole plant vs individual branches?
I will be hanging in a tent as I don’t have a screen or rack.

Wet vs Dry trim??
Humidity in the area is currently 45-50% (25C during the day, 21C over night) with rain due in next week.

@Budz420 sorry to Jack the thread with go my questions

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It’s all good mate. Sounds like your conditions are good to dry. I hang by the branch - but clear any larfy stuff off first - or it turns to dust fast. Best of luck! Hope it smokes well. :+1: :+1: :+1:

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What kind of scope you got My Brother?
Monkeys :monkey: undies!

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Hope all is well sir!
This is my scope, hope the link is allowed… :face_with_monocle: :+1: :sunglasses:

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Everyone does things a bit differently in that regard my friend. You hang the whole plant if you want. As long as you keep the humidity mid 50s or so and try not to dry too quickly. No light or very little. No wind, just replace air and have a gentle breeze present. Shouldnt be blowing the plants around. Once you get the plant so the leaves are crispy but the buds are a wee tadbon the spongy side, the wood is almost snappy… you can begin the jar curing.
Heres how I do a couple pounds at a time… pretty simple just wood spacers and window screens.
I take between 8 to 10 days minimum a couple days longer if possible, to get the dope dry enough to jar it.


Being my first grow pounds is so far beyond me I’m just excited to see how these few plants perform as for an overall yield and smoke. I feel like I had a great start in veg, almost too good and then ran into so many issues on the second half of flower that I thought I might lose everything. I can wait to get this second grow going and look at picking up a second and maybe third strain to have some variety in stock.


You will get there. This is an extremely fast learning curve. Much like you, my first run gave me lots of good smoke - but fluffy - no weight to it. My second will get me a pound. 2 strains an 2 phenos for 3 tastes. My third grow is 4 strains - trained hard. Always learn from mistakes so they are never repeated. :+1: :sunglasses:


:drum: :drum: :drum:
The day has finally arrived… Little Fattie has has been found guilty of being totally awesome…
A moments silence please - this is an emotional time.
She has seen her last sunrise…
These are her final images whilst still breathing. She has outperformed all expectations. Her ambers are exactly where I want them - and she looks ready…
What do you think??? :face_with_monocle: :face_with_monocle: :face_with_monocle:
@Cannabian @Nicky @Capt.Cola @KikiGee @kellydans @Enlightened420 @Davyg @Hellraiser @Not2SureYet @Dman1969








Damn fine! Off with her heads! :two_hearts:


She is ready! Cannot wait to see what sort of weight she holds! Yesterday I was considering supporting her main stem because she was leaning under her own weight. Loving the purples starting to show in the yellow leaves - wasn’t expecting that! :sunglasses: :partying_face: :+1:


She looks mega dense as well budz. Cracking looking colas there mate :heart_eyes:


She really is a beast! There is so much weight, each branch has support! Loving the colours she is showing. Excited to see what weight she gives! I have resisted even having a taster of this one! :crazy_face: :+1: :sunglasses:


That’s some beautiful bud footage My Brother and I bet she’s gonna smoke even better than she looks! :wink::sunglasses::v::metal:


Thank you kind sir! She has been a real star! Her buds are so much bigger and more dense than the others. I have resisted tasting… so far… :crazy_face: :rofl: :+1:


This is the day you’ve been waiting on gorgeous plant. Shoot for a slow dry and cure, should be some killer smoke. Medicate your mind just a bit. Good luck finishing up.