I am on board with you Sasquatch, if I keep reading these post, I could be tempted to drop them early. . Sigh… .
Growers have patients…
I am on board with you Sasquatch, if I keep reading these post, I could be tempted to drop them early. . Sigh… .
Growers have patients…
sorry for the dumb questions, but I have never seen a pot like that. What type of pots are those?
thanks in advance for the info.
@kw_Bat they are called supper roots air pots, guy in my shop says they are great, apparently very good for diverting roots from growing in circles etc. Also air circulation is even better than in root nurse pots.
The consept makes sense, have you had the oppertunity to utilize them? I might have to try them out.
First time I am using it, will see soon enough;)
I snifed shorty;) she smels niceeeee
So said to myself time to put up the filter but that monster barely fits into the tent…but wait! There’s the shower door and I can install it outside, just need to switch the fan and filter around! Presto! It’s working:)
Apart from that…
The light timer tripped my fuse box today:/ at least I think it was the timer … 2 hours extra without light she got and she won’t even notice but I am still paranoid about the tripping:/ If it’s the light timer then why? And will it happen again and omg is it possible to cause a fire!?
… I am major league axiety and paranoia with those things…I really know it’s unlikely or even impossible yet still there is a part in that brain that apparently no amount of degres and skills can operate:joy: So yes, there’s a smoke detector just above the door in the bathroom and an extinguisher beside my bed
…damn, I am crazy just a notch.
LMAO this made me laugh! Love it!
Maybe cus I am crazy dog lady;) and obviously with a sniff of a terrier😂
Lol that’s fine you fit right in
You watch, she will be a little monster soon. That is some good growth for a couple days. She looks great.
She looks beautiful with all her lady parts exposed
Well thank you @Missiles, she ain’t modest for sure😂
You’re welcome! With as beautiful as she is she shouldn’t be modest
Nice @rumpelstiltskin
Amazon are fantastic, refunded on spot without the need to return the item but Shorty is now shorrt on light!
Any recomendations in a €200 budget? LED full spectrum preferably.
@dbrn32 might be able to help you out
First, visit diyleduk and see what he has within your budget. Second, visit @Screwauger’s journal where he posted nice tutorial on replacing the leds on that light.