Sage’s (First Timer) White Widow Grow Journal

Dropping 3 seeds tonight in water to germinate. 1 each of Amnesia Haze auto, Blueberry auto, and Northern Lights auto.

For me to reference and remember:

@TXCanna I thought I remembered your lights being closer during seedling stage in your grow journal?
I’m using King Led 1200


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My light stayed about 24" early in veg and got moved down to about 18" mid to late veg and flower.

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@TXCanna thanks man
(I just need confirmation I’m not crazy! So much material to process!)

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Lol. Ya there’s a lot of stuff to learn. Don’t overthink it.

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Cool! Do you need anything from us?

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@dbrn32 I think I’m good man but thanks! I really appreciate it. I’m like an expectant Papa waiting to make sure my babies are okay!

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Awesome! Let us know if anything comes up, and good luck with you grow

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I had to help the seed off of WW1 and WW3 using a pair of tweezers. I guess it will be an expirement to see if I messed them up. I was a little rough with 3. When I took the shell off of 1 it burst open to life.
Living and learning… I’d rather mess up and observe and learn now than still be making the same mistakes next time.

Also, I’m a bit concerned that I put them in too much soil and overwatered them to begin with. I basically drilled 4 holes in the bottom of a clear Solo cup, filled it with soil, saturated it with water to check the runoff, then planted the seed in it.

Sounds solid. Congrats on the new babies. And :beers: to the next set of triplets. They should have tails and be ready to hit dirt soon!

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Adjusted plants closer to light. Went from 24” to 18”

Moved auto seeds to paper towel

Lowered plants to adjust light height to 24”

Moved auto seeds back to water glasses. Showing no signs of popping

Moved plants up to 22” below light (domes still on).

Moved seeds back to paper towel method
Northern Lights has sprouted 1/4” tail. Amnesia Haze is about to sprout, Blueberry not so much…but maybe.

Put seedlings in new24x48x60” grow tent. Installed humidifier and fan. Temp 80 degrees F. - Humidity 73%. Seedlings are still in individual Solo Cups with Solo cup propagation dome on top of each. Have yet to water since planting. Soil still moist.

I’m becoming impatient with germinating these autos. Putting them in soil.


Planted the 3 auto seeds in Roots Organic Soil.
Put inside tent with no domes.

@dbrn32 @elheffe702 @TXCanna @PurpNGold74 @garrigan62 @merlin44
Spritzed soil with water for seed cups. No sign of life yet. Left humidifier and fan off overnight, tent maintained 74 degrees F, and 61% humidity. Plants seem to be stretching, lowered light to 22 inches.

Here’s what WW2 looks like now, exactly 5 days since germinated seed was placed in soil. Approximately 2.25 inches tall.


Looks about right to me!


And the saga begins… good luck with the stubborn ones

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Looking good :+1:. You may have it already covered but if not, I would set the clear cup down into a nontransparent cup to protect the roots from light. Good luck with the girls. I bought the same auto pack and loved them all. I’m still hoarding one seed of each (BB,NL,AH autos)


Thanks @PurpNGold74

Good advice @GreenJewels I’ll do that!


Yup, lots of holes around bottom of that cup and place it into an opaque cup. You should be gtg.

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@dbrn32 thanks!

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