Round 2x2 ❄️ North to Alaska

Nope (From Google) :

Foxtails are a type of aesthetic deformation that can be encountered in cannabis plants. It occurs in cannabis plants whose calyxes develop on others, usually during flowering, to the point where they are easily visible, resulting in the buds taking on strange shapes . They appear elongated and look as if they are growing in tufts . Instead of the usual dense and rounded structure, the buds resemble a fox’s tail.


Going by those numbers i shouldn’t be pushing to much light i wouldn’t think. So maybe it is the RH. Thanks for helping me narrow it down B!! Now i just gotta figure out how to get in up consistently lol. Im running my little 1gallon humidifier dry every few hours lol. Ive got it set to 90% but the lung room is like 40%. Goofy furnace keeps kicking on. Bout to drop the house temp down to about 65° :sweat_smile:


Ive told yall and told yall i dont know nothing about nothing :sweat_smile:. I was wondering why all the treads i was finding about foxtails were in flowing plants!! Thank you kapt.

Any ideas why my leaves would be looking like that in this stage?


Its nice that i can be seperate from my furnace but still bringing the dry warmer air in to my attic space. I have to change set ups for winter. Than summer, exhaust fans are covered now and i discharge back to the lung room to maintain a little heat. Tent was at 62 yesterday it maintains that with lights off.


Personally, I don’t see anything worth worrying about. It could be something as mundane as she’s just waking up…


Your probably right, i originally thought it was from being thirsty. I hadn’t watered since i transplated it the other day so i watered till runoff this morning.

Ill overthink anything given the opportunity :sweat_smile:. Just ask @Bunger64 he has to check me on it from time to time.


See when we start answering our own questions or thoughts its just a sign of having learned a little as we go. You know from your not to long ago grow it was successful so you know, Stop staring at her she might be bashful. HotRod. You know you got this right.


I know i know lol. I got other things to tend to anyway lol. Got a swing set to put together for our nieces and nephews Christmas present. And ol copper here got his :peanuts: taken off yesterday so he got to stay inside last night and is getting pampered :sweat_smile:.

Edit: thats supposed to be peaNUTS in that emoji :sweat_smile: didnt want anyone to think they took his bacon.


Thanks for the tag!



I use that same humidifier in my (almost) 3x3 tent. I keep the exhaust on the lowest setting just to have some air flow. I have one clip on oscillating fan set on the “natural wind” cycle and then the humidifier going. I put a separate hygrometer in the tent because I’ve noticed the censor that came with the tent is just ok and the censor on the humidifier is off as well. But, I typically keep the humidifier set at 55-60% and my tent Weill get upwards of 75% humidity if I let it. But, right now there’s really no need to have your exhaust fan up real high unless your light is causing super high temps. If that’s the case, maybe try lowering the light intensity and dropping the light down. :woman_shrugging:t2::blush:


Mine is off by 10% on temp and rh lol.

For the moment i have it off :sweat_smile: hot 1 fan in the top on the lowest setting just pushing some air around the light. Backed the light off about 10% also. My humidity is sitting in front of the tent so i just shut the lung room door and left the tent open. I also closed the vent in the lung room.

I did just enough that if she looks better tonight i wont know what helped :sweat_smile:.


Oh! Your humidifier is outside the tent? Got it. I put mine inside. Haha


The way i understood it if you put it inside the tent your exahust would pull it out before your plants can use it. But outside the tent it conditions the air in the lung room that ends up getting pulled into the tent. I may have that backwards though :sweat_smile:. Im kinda backwards. @Low


I built a 5 gal humidifier that pipes in humidity.


Control the room conditions to control the tent. Alternatively turn your exhaust to low if you want to control inside the tent.


I’ve got the hygrometer on the ground of the tent to make sure the humidity wasn’t just rising up. Also the humidifier you and I have puts out a fine cool mist so it’s not so quick to just rise up. I keep it on the opposite side of the tent as the exhaust so it pulls the humidity across the plants. Also, like I said I have my exhaust at the lowest setting which is practically nothing for my VIVOSUN tent. I have also set the exhaust on an automated cycle before with 70-73% humidity as the trigger and just turn the exhaust off until it triggers it to keep the humidity where I want it


I think they need a little calcium… my leaves slightly hook almost like too much N right before a cal/mag def.


Also i see a little purple striping on tour main stem. Could be stress or needs a lil calcium in my opinion


Thanks for pointing that out. I’ve got some purple stems forming on mine as well. Been feeding them 1/2 dose calmag every watering, but I suppose now I need to up it.

Found this quick interesting video on it too.


Same here! Video was super helpful as well! Thanks @TCBart