Rosin pressin. is this title long enough FFS?!

Beautiful color. Are you pressing flower or keif ?

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@Deez Flower.

Nice. How long are you pressing for?

I’ve been trying two things lately - one is pressing at 190 for 2 mins and I get something a bit darker but of similar texture to what you got there. The other is pressing at 165 for 5 mins and getting cake frosting.

I’ve been meaning to do several runs and make a big old silly putty eggs worth… this Peak Pro is awesome and i should make an effort to smoke less and dab more…I’ve nearly run through all my sweet leaf and larfy buds from this summer already, gonna have to press more buds! I actually tried pressing just a bud with no bag recently. Got some really nice light blonde rosin

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@Donkey that’s a great dab rig btw. I really dig that stem with the bowl on it dunno what you call that mofo lol. I assume that’s so you can load up a dab in the crucible and then jam that on top if you want to burn some flower with it?

I need to stick with electronic shit - I’ll burn my house down or give myself a third degree burn with hot glass and a butane torch

Here’s my new rig. Puff Peak Pro. It’s like a bong and a wax pen fucked and this is the product of baby. The LED lights can change colors and you can dial the temperature to whatever you want. So far I really like it.


2 minutes. My wax paper starts to break down at 3.

@Deez yeah I took a silicone down stem and attached it to the carb so I can smoke a bowl and dab at the same time. Stupid fun though.

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Pressing some Christmas gifts this evening… Strawberry cough at 190F

I’ve been getting great results lately now that I’ve got the herb up to 62% humidity. It makes a huge difference in improving yield.

I took three of the pucks after pressing each at 190 and mashed em all together at 220 - fucking Niagara Falls.

Here’s a little silicon pot with the first and second pressings.


Yeah humidity is a huge factor. If the flower is dry it absorbs the rosin. I picked up one of these and think it is so badass. Got it from a local shop, but this link shows you what it is.

Stay elevated!!


@Northerngreenthumb, looks nice! What temp and what micron you pressing at? I’m new to pressing so I’m still learning.

Fuckin a that’s a big press! I use dabpress hardware as well. I’m happy enough with it. If I ever change my rig I’ll probably get something automated.

@Donkey I’ve seen the same thing with the RH - it really affects yields.

I’ve been pressing bud with no bag mostly for a while now. I get the occasional pistil or bit of leaf but barely enough to care. If I was producing for resale i would use bags but it’s just for me and my old lady.


I use a rosineer press…i run 195 top plate 195 bottom plate for 100 secs in a 90 micron bag…ive been pressing for awhile now using all types of presses and methods…long story short this is what i learned when pressing solvent-less rosin:
Butter/crumble= plate heat 155-165 @100secs(after pressing while still hotter temp, collect and whip it)(this causes air to mix with the rosin and “fluff” itself creating the butter or crumble consistency)
Wax: 170-185 plate heat at 100 secs
NEVER press above 225 as it starts to break down the “good stuff”
Repressing is optional(i only do 1st and 2nd presses then collect pucks for edibles as it still has potency)(pressing does not extract ALL of the rosins)
Pressure can be tricky but i find different pressures work better based on the amount you are using and whether you are using micron or not!
I prefer using micron because its provides a cleaner rosin and better terpene profile than not using one…there are jus sooooo many variables i could go on and on soo im not! Hope some of this helps…ne questions just ask!!


Awesome info! Thank you. I don’t go higher than 205 usually. I usually press around 185-200 and try different microns seeing how much return and quality I get. I have been judging pressures by the look and flow of the rosin coming out and how much material I am pressing. Do you pre-press? I noticed a better return on pre-pressed material and when I preheat the bags in the plates for about a minute before adding any real pressure.

I typically pre-form my micron bags once material is added and i dont usually press over 7gs at any one time…there are so many variables to pressing its crazy…pre pressing: i find you get better presses if RH is maintained properly from the start…i do not press bag weed at all and i only use wat i grow myself(wayyyyyyyy better results and superior quality) the fresher product you can obtain the better plus you will get clear and tasty results, the older the product the darker and less desirable!(do not press anything fresh with RH above 65% or not cured yet as this will lead to water-filled rosin that does not solidify to any degree and if not cured will not provide an adequate “effect”)
Again, i only press my own so its very critical that you handle your product with care and have patience through the drying/curing process as it only helps achieve better results all around.

As for bag weed, i started my journeys with it and 99% of the time you will be wasting your money. Pressing is a whole ball game of its own and you have to start with good product to achieve great results…in my experiences ive found that most bag weeds you buy although is great weed, unfortunately are not good candidates for extracts mainly due to the age of material…remember the best results come from the best cared for material and proper THC candidates…not ALL strains cover this area…


I prepress as well. I don’t use a an actual pre-press device like what Dabpress sells, I just take my buds and squash em into a ball by hand (cuz I’m pressing it bareback - no bag) and it works great. I also don’t typically press more than 7g at a go but that’s mainly because I just have a little 4ton with 2x4 plates. Works great for just us though.

My typical move lately has been to press two 7g runs at 190 then stack those two up and repress at 215-220 for a lower quality but still good enough to get ya by the boo boo. I probably get about the same yield from the two first pressings as I do from the doubled up second pressing.

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Exactly, i usually fill one press it, press again folded in half and remains go to theses tasties! Lol an o boy will they give you a run for your money but hey gotta love extract edibles!!!

I also go a step further and make my own e-juice for carts with a wax liquidizer kit…


I pull that same move with my pucks - fold em in half for the second press :+1:

Would love to know how you’re processing your leftover pucks and your recipes for those treats! I have a ton of pucks right now and been waiting for something good to do with them. I’ve only tried once so far and made some green dragon with 190proof everclear and I forgot to decarb the pucks first! :crazy_face:

I started off intending to do the whole e-juice thing because my wife loves those Rubi cartridges they sell at the dispensaries but then got clued into the Puffco devices and that’s really replaced the cartridge vape pens for us. Still would be really interested to hear about your process. (I need to stop smoking cig shaped oneies and switch to a vape pen for on the go)

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Ok so when you press your material using a solventless extraction process(the press lol), you would be “decarbing” the material using HEAT and PRESSURE coupled with a length of time in unison, correct? So there is no need to decarb in a jar in the oven with the pucks as they are “pre” carbed per say!:smiley:

Think of it this way…if you pressed your material and collected the rosin from it and then medicated with it…(you see where im goin with this lol), then why would the pucks not already be “activated”

My process for making edibles is rather simple but you must keep track of the amounts of material pressed and keep an overall total when preparing to make edibles(these edibles provid a MUCH more potent and longer lasting effects due to it being rosin your now working with…to the average edible person they would take they bag weed grind it up decarb it then cook it down in oil or whatever method per say, but with rosins it ts diff cuz now you taking 20-30 bags with 7gs a piece in it minus the thought that they have been extracted on already! My rule of thumb is typically pressing extracts 70-80% of rosins and the rest gets lost to the micron bag, locked into the flower, ect ect ect…u get the point…that being said i guess abouts what i think i have do a little math and pair that amount to how much oil im goin to cook it into and go with it! Just be careful, ive made some POTENT edibles that would knock a train off its tracks and effects that seem to linger for a day or 2 bahahahaha