Roots growing out of pots and into communal tray

So you just dip the buds or spraying them and letting them dry? sorry for the newbie questions… didnt find any others this morning either. I dont mind smoking them n e way! its still “organ-ic-ish”!

Just an update. Did another semi flush with ph’d to 6.6 water and cut the Gold Leafs out of the scrog early this morning before work. I corralled the branches together first about 3/4 of the way up on them and left my homemade twine screen on the rest of each plant. Some were comingled by I managed to seperate all four pots. I’ll take the two GL’s out of the tent tonite and isolate them in my extra bathroom for 48 hrs and on Sunday Morning Ill harvest them. The Blackberry (sorry I’ve been saying Blueberry this whole grow!) Kush and the Big Bud will go another week at least till I see some amber trichs on em. I fed them 800ppms’ this morning and runoff was good 600ppm on average and ph is way better in the runoff now at 6.2 or so. Seems the multiple flushes got rid of the original Miracle Grow nutes. I think the ph of that soil was way low and I was feeding in the 6.0 range for the beginning of flower which I believe was not good. When I first got my ph and ppm meters my ph was in the low 5’s which may have inhibited my early flower stage. I think I made up for it after week 2 of flower and all 6 ladies really took off and enjoyed 1600-1800ppm feeds every other day up to 2 weeks ago.

`the two in the middle of the tent pic are the GL’s.


Hi @Sixpackdad, @raustin, @Growndaddy5589, @peachfuzz, @Hogmaster, @dbrn32 Thanks for all your advice thru my first grow! I couldn’t have gotten to this point without all your help and advice. As a matter of fact, I cant wait to apply some of these feed techniques to my tomatoes this summer.
Last night I managed to beat enough traffic to get home to check trichs and temps after making a few adjustments. I’ve turned off My humidifier at this point and it ranges from 18 to 34% now and I’ve also increased the dark period slowly over the past 2 weeks also, so that I’m now at 10 1/2 hours on 13 1/2 off to simulate the end of season (savin a couple $pennies).
The Blackberry is showing signs of amber trichs so I drilled the stems on these last night. I have checked just a few of the colas on all the plants for density and WOW!! they are solid. No fluffiness at all on any of the well developed buds. Even smaller nug sites are solid. I have two different Lights going in the two tents and wish I had separated at least two of the strains to compare the different lights. The 2 Big Bud are under a 4 light chinese COB in a 20" x 36"x 5’0 tent, and the Blackberry and the Gold Leaf were in a 2’ x 4’ x 6’ with a Higrow 2000. I have to say that even tho I didn’t mange My height’s real well thru out this grow and the lights ended up too close for most of the time, I am really impressed with the results here as far as quality is concerned. If this was a beauty pageant these girls would be winners! I cant wait to take some pics in natural light. The basement room I’m in has a AC in the small window so no natural light at all.
I pulled the 2 GL’s from the tent with success on Thursday night at lights out and topped off the pots with Ice and they’re in a bathroom with a 6" fan running to keep the air moving a bit and and in 12 hours I’ll be harvesting!!! And as my name says its “ABOUT TIME”. In a month I’ll be free of my suppliers!!
I took a quick peak last night and they looked like they we’re still standing!!!
I’ll do a straight 6.5ph water feed with just a teaspoon of Molasses added for the rest of the week and I’ll harvest the Blackberry next since I have about 10-15% amber on them now. Thinks I’ll do lights out on the BlackB’s Tuesday and harvest them on Friday next week. The Big Bud are still fattening up and will go until the trichs are right. I picked up a hanging screen for the dry and can’t wait to start filling it up tonite. The wife and I are having some steaks and then sit down and do some trimming!
I decided to get some H2O2 today and do the bath real quick on them after watchin a video on YT.
I wont have to sit down and do 6 plants at once since they’re wrapping up at different times due to the different strains. The Big Buds are frosty but no signs of amber quite yet tho but the leaves on the buds are starting to turn color.
Im looking forward to posting first harvest pics later! Enjoy your weekend and thanks for reading my long posts. :sunglasses:


Awesome! Glad I could help.

Here are pics from this mornings rearrangement. I love how they look like a huge bouquet of roses! @Sixpackdad, @raustin, @Growndaddy5589, @peachfuzz, @Hogmaster, @dbrn32


@Sixpackdad. @raustin, Well the GL’s are harvested for the most part…I left some of the small nuggets on the bottom of the plants and put them back inside to see if they’ll grow a little more even tho I drilled them. I think I’ll know in a week if anything comes of it. The 48hrs of darkness really seemed to have an effect… The plants were unrecognizable from when I turned off the lights… Leaves yellowed and hairs got real dark. Looks she finished off well. I did a peroxide and water bath and setup my humdifier to maintain 45% humidity during the drying period with a fan circulating air.

I wet trimmed half and only did biggest fan leaves on the rest. Some are
hanging and some are in the screen.


I gotta try the darkness this on my MWs this weekend. I need to find a place to put my GLs. Congrats on the harvest!

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Thanks @Sixpackdad brother, much appreciated! BTW, I also topped the pot off with 2" of Ice the night I shut off the lights. Even if your not sure just do one plant to compare maybe?..Most of that color you see happened over the 2 nights of darkness.

Hi @Sixpackdad, @raustin, @Growndaddy5589, @peachfuzz, @dbrn32, Well I started a fresh grow so Im going to start a new topic I guess or a journal?
I have a Super Skunk photo seedling that streched out over nite and is now a proud 1 1/2” tall above soil. The Amesia Haze Auto has been having a hard time popping out of its shell, tho it cracked its shell and is showing some white, so I thru it in a cup with some mychoriaze and am keeping my fingaz crossed. The clone I clipped off is still alive and is growing leaves that are in water so Im hoping I can get it to take in a week so I can put it in soil.
I flushed the Blackberry Kush yesterday morning and shes under lights for her last day today. Tonite Im putting her in the dark for 48 hrs to see her finish off. The buds are super tite on these two so Im really excited about it and the BigBuds which will be next in a few more days. There are 4 monster soda bottle colas on the BB’s and the secondarys are pretty impressive. They didnt have alot of bud sites because of theyre late start and fight for space with the other 4 but the ones that did develop are looking awesome. Trichs are still mostly clear on em but I spotted a couple amber ones so shes getting close too.
I have a humdifier on in my cure bathroom with a fan blowing air around but not on them and theyre drying nicely. Im gonna go till the branches snap and then cut up the buds and jar it. Still been resisting to give the GL’s a try but Im going to when I jar it…


Hi guys, @Sixpackdad, @Growndaddy5589, @raustin, well i got a question about my last 2… I just want to be sure I got them right. (Yep, I’m burnt!!!) Is this Big Bud. I’m sure the pics suck but Im hoping someone can confirm. I already harvested Black berry and Gold Leaf but now Im thinking this is the Gold leaf but the buds are HUGE!

Results from the first 4 girls were about 8 oz. dry of Gold leaf, 6 oz.of Blackberry and put the bottom of one plant to fill her out some more after taking all the big buds off her first. Even tho she has a hole drilled in her shes still going. If Im lucky or if this actually works maybe another 3 oz. can come of it. All the leaves are green still so maybe she’ll keep going. If I was to chop it now probably only get less than 2 more I think. My super Skunk is growing well with a second set of leaves already and the Bkackberry clone I took doesnt look good but its still standing up and its in seedling soil now. I’m on my 3rd try at sprouting Amnesia Haze Auto and even tho it cracks open a little they just stop and fail to sprout. The first one I threw in seedling soil after 3 days but nothing came up. Two I did so far in the paper towel and one is in a cup of water all with the same result so far. I’ve had pretty good success till now so I’m not sure if I’m not being patient enough.

Yes, be patient, it can sometimes take two weeks for a seedling to sprout.

You Rock! 2 weeks huh??? Didnt have that experience yet… Is is strain related?
Then I may have at least two Amnesias if I hang in there! Did I see that Alfina yield right? ova 16 zips?

Just another update. @raustin, @Sixpackdad, @peachfuzz, @tanlover442 Took a look at the tricomes and have amber at 50-50 on one of my Big Bud and I split the stem this time instead of drilling ala ILGM harvesting guide section. Then placed ice over the soil and turned off the light till tomorrow nite. I’m thinking of the taking the tops and letting the bottoms fill out some more . The buds are definitely greener and none of the leaves have turned the wild colors that the upper colas have. Any thoughts on the possibilities of selective harvesting or will this put the plant under too much stress and not recover? I’m trying this with one of my Blackberry’s. She’s back in the tent to see if she’ll fatten up some more and tho I haven’t noticed any real new growth, it hasn’t died and some of leaves are turning darker. My next grow will be done correctly with proper pruning The popcorn buds ain’t for NAda.

Half roll of duct tape for size comparison with the Big Bud Cola.
Super Skunk ILGM fem photo going strong after a week or so out of soil.

Black berry Kush flowering clone is still hanging on but hasnt grown anything new yet.


almost time to harvest. good luck

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Nice stem splitting! Great job.

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Thanks @raustin, I take great pride in my ability to split stems!:wink:
PUFF PUFF PASS! My first smokeworthy buds of GoldLeaf. They started smelling like primo stuff a couple says ago…opening 2x a day and letting them breathe for 5 mins or so… putting boveda pacs back in when needed.
Gold Leaf yield from 2 plants that started out with 4 others in an 18x36x60 tent.

Gold Leaf buds…ready to burn!!

3/4 of the 2 Blackberry K girls yield. Rest of one plant still finishing off.

Blackberry Kush buds

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Update: The Blackberry I half harvested has finshed and I probably pulled it too early…she shoulda went another week and half or so till the laeves turned color. The resulting weed is totally energetic but mild. The smoke tho is smooth and burns great.
The Gold Leaf is furthest along in the cure. The smell turned late last week and its a nice skunky stink. It too burns well and it made the tightest nugz. The Big Bud is in jars and getting burped 2x a day. I put both bottoms back in the tent and the 1 stalk turned red so I did ice again and put in 48hr darkness Wednesday nite so tonite she"ll go to the clippers and bath and then hung to dry. The other started turning red in the stalk and I put her in the dark and Iced her. This is the one I split and she kept on going after despite being split put into darkness and half harvested. The colors are deeper and she has more amber trichs so Im hoping for 2 different heads off the same plant.

Started fresh seedling and after 4 Amnesia Autos failed to germinate, I got the last one to work its way out of the soil. Im hoping its a female and healthy. I sent an email to ILGM and man they are the best. Theyre sending me 5 more free of charge!
I found a seed in my suppliers bag of LA Cake that I was able to Germinate and its standing tall out of soil. With the Blackberry clone I took that makes 4 for the new grow.

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Awesome. Love to see some pics.

@Sixpackdad, Another and a last update for this grow as I will start a new journal for the next grow.
In the end I got over a lb. of buds and after saving all the trimmings, I picked up some bubblebags and made some really good hash!!
The Blackberry is the best of the 2 strains I tried so far. Both of them are smooth and burn great.
The Bigbud is still curing.
Some pics below and more to follow


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A few more pics…

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