Roots growing out of pots and into communal tray

yeah man, @Growndaddy5589, I stopped!! lol…So I flush after I get the tri’s to the color I want? And then what? Go another two weeks? Does that make them get darker yet tho? Thanks to you and everyone here, I would have harvested already out of shear excitement probably two weeks ago!! What a mistake that would have been. They really took off after I did that flush two weeks ago and started hitting them with 1500 ppms of nutes every other watering.

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I would wait until atleast atleast 50 percent amber tri’s then start flushing naybe about 50 -75% amber trichomes then do the flush once you start flushing ur taking the nutes out and the phosphorus is what gives em engergy to grow and finish of course your not gonna flush everything out of em at one time so if your getting amber trichomes already you might wana start flushing and just keep an eye on the run off ppm so u have some nutes in em until they finish

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Thanks @Growndaddy5589, I just got a loop, so Im seeing some are milky now and some other girls are still clear. I planned on starting a flush with sledgehammer on Sunday and get the nutes down to 400 in the runoff…I have about 1600 coming out in most, a little more in the rest.
Here’s a pic of my Dandelion Blue Berry K…@sixpackdad,


Hi Everyone, @Sixpackdad, @raustin, @Growndaddy5589, @tanlover442, I’m looking at the end game here. Wow this journey started om Oct 20 with seedlings in clear cups (mistake no.1 !!) and I just did a good flush even tho I have some milky and amber tric’s just starting on the gold leaf, lots of frost and new growth on the Blueberry Kush and the Big Buds are still exploding with new growth. The gold leaf has a lot of orange hairs but new growth still has the white hairs. Seems as if the new growth his growing on top of the orange haired growth.
I found my runoff had dropped quite a bit into the 5’s and decided I do a flush with a teaspoon of Sledgehammer, teaspoon of terpene, and a teaspoon of cal mag per gallon of flush ph’d 6.9 water. I’m leaving about 400 ppms in for today and tomorrow or Tuesday Morning, I’ll feed it with the same as above with 1/4 nutes of FF tiger and bloom added for another week. I’ll do a few more feeds this week and then split the stems next week after another flush. I’ll drop to just the sledge hammer and the terpene for the final week? You guys think I’m on the right track? It’s been an amazing journey with you all.


Congrats. So we both flipped to 12/12 a the same time. My MWs are close, but I just punted out their harvest date from 1/13 to 1/27 - the buds arent quite as swelled as I think they can be, still lots of clear trichomes, some cloudy, and occasional amber but very few.

I credit your choice to use the darkness period right before the flip to accelerate the flowering process. I will consider this in the future.

Are you going to give any late flowering techniques like stem splitting, another 48 hours of darkness or an ice bath? I haven’t tried any of these yet, but am thinking about it for my MWs.

Also, has your pH ever made it above 6? It seems your plants turned out just fine regardless.


I would say you’ve got another week or two before the chop, so yes, your schedule sounds good.

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aww man @Sixpackdad, you rock brother!! It seems that MG soil kept the PH low the whole time on me since I’ve been checking it with the meter which I got right after the flip. I’ve been pretty religious on PH’in during feeding times since but the soil Ph still drops every two to three weeks or so. Finished the flush, I left about 400ppm’s and got my runoff up to 6.5 - 6.8 and the girls are happy right now. It looks like the gold leaf are starting to eat themselves a bit here, they have about 10% amber on them. The Blueberry’s are super frosty but no amber and the BIG b’s also have about 10% amber and are super frosty and I have 2 monster colas on them. The 150 w grow bulb I have going under the canopy for the past 2 weeks seems to be having an effect on the popcorn buds I left on from pruning and they seem to be fattening up as well as the inter nodes are starting to fill in. I’m definitely going to try all of those methods to maximize the yield here at the end. I’m going to drill the stems this week if the tri’s look right and then in another week or so, I’ll turn off the lights so she drops all her remaining nutes back into the soil and then I’ll read a little more on the ice bath timing and try that too. Tho I do think about harvesting some of the bigger colas first and than see if the rest of the smaller ones fatten up some more or if it shocks the plant too much. Would love to hear some input on that. Thanks a bunch.

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I think Im going to drill out the Gold first here in a few days… Seems as if they’re the furthest along as Im seeing lots of orange hairs now and the leaves are turning colors. I’ll drill a hole in the stem of one of em on Friday and harvest the following week. Looks like the rest will be drilled/split next week.

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Hi all, Just an update on the grow here. So I drilled the two GoldLeafs on Tuesday and I have been feeding them seperately now from the others since they seem closer to finishing. Yellow and Gold leaves are prominent and I Have about 15% amber trich’s. I’m feeding them a little Molasses (1/2) teaspoon per gal. And 1/2 teaspoon of Terpine/Signal per gal. Gave them each a half gallon in thier 3 gal plastic pots this morning as I did on Wednesday and Monday after Sundays flush. The buds are amazing on them. Theyre tight and tho I have some foxtailing going on Im pretty happy so far with what I may end up with here.
The two pots in the middle are the GL’S. The big buds on top that can be seen are them. I’m going to have to cut them out of the net before I put them in the dark for 2 days before I harvest them seperately from the BlueBerry K’s.

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@raustin, @Sixpackdad, @Growndaddy5589, Cool Art work on a truck I was stopped near on my way in to work this AM!!!
Its a blunt in her mouth…


Very cool!

Hi friends of the canna! @Sixpackdad, @raustin, @Growndaddy5589, I gave the girls their last feed this morning… about 350 ppms. Im going to flush them again Thursday and cut them out of the net and move em out carefully so I can keep the BlueBerry K’s going a little while longer . They’re still fattening up as are the Big Bud and the GL’s which I havent given much since last Thursday have added some more.
I had a surprise this morning also while checking trichs on the GL’s and discovrred a tiny spider on a bud. I killed it with a pinch and checked around the rest of the buds and didnt find any others. I’ve been spraying Bregmans Pest control since the grow started and have only dealt with some gnats after watering and one other spider about a month ago on one of the GL’s. Should I doing anything here at this stage in case there are are others? As always any help is greatly appreciated.

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Looks like a future bud of the month candidate

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Don’t worry about spiders, they’re good bugs and will eat the gnats.

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Man I have a few real fatty’s on the Big bud… how do I submit it?

@raustin…thats good news. I thought spider mites are bad for the grow. Another week to go and Ill be in the clear with all six of the girls.

Oh, spider mites are a different story, they’re bad! I thought you found a spider. No, get rid of the spider mites and wash your bud after harvest to get all the bodies off.

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There’s a monthly thread posted by late wood or one of the other administrators.

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ok… i went thru every bud with the loop and didnt find any others… is that the peroxide wash ive been reading about?
Turned off my humidifier and Im going to let the room cool down at night now too. I also cut another hour of light to induce them to finish up.

Yes, the peroxide wash is exactly what I’m talking about. I believe it’s one cup of H202 to five gallons of H20 for the bath.

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