Richard1-1 Beginning Grow Journal

Ok Guys, It Rained a Frog Strangler Here Yesterday… Here the Girls are after I’m Sure that they were Watered until Runoff

They Look good, but still Small… They are Fimmed now and Still going… New Stem growth Since Fimming yesterday… Getting 5 - 5gallon Vivosun bags from Amazon, and fixing Up my Veg Dirt today for When they get Here @Cyle1, @Jbum, @Killadruid, @Mrcrabs, @Myfriendis410 and Anybody Else Pls chime in…


Big Girl has dark edges on her bottom leaves, almost Black… Wondering How she will progress after a Fresh Rain watering ??

It looks like they loving the sun and rainwater

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I See where I’ve been tagged More than I’m seeing it Guys… Shouldn’t my tags Show in Notifications?? … I’m interested in your Grows as Well as Mine, and Love the Pics



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Yes buddy, your tags show up in our notification but some times I get side tracked my add pulls me different directions my friend


Thanks Guys for All that You Do… I go to Other grows and builds on here and See where I’m tagged and Haven’t Seen or Commented?? …


Have you seen mine?


I Think when I’m busy that I just look at Mine and bypass some Notifications @Cyle1… Then I Don’t get back to the Other Notifications Probably


It happens


I’ve got my 5 gallon tan Vivosun pots Coming and my Veg dirt Ready… I should Be Transplanting tomorrow.

Also I Found these out here Lol

Peat Moss cups (I Guess)… About the size of a Solo Cup to Start new seeds in with little or No transplant shock… @Killadruid, the Premixed solution was 6.56 PH , So that’s Lookin Good… Thanks Guys for All of the Great Tips… If you Have any tips as Well, then Pls. Chime on in Here and TiA


The problom I have seen with them cups is the roots dont like to grow threw them they try to grow up and around them @Skydiver I belive uses them but cuts slits down the sides


Yup pal them off ur root ball and good to go. But solo cups for me work easier.

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Looks like Possibly 4 to 6 limbs on Jr. and 3 limbs on Big Girl after the Fimming that I Did…

A Little Brown on the tips of the leaves on Big Girl too… I cut the two single leaves Off because they were Brown/Black too… Thanks


I found these pete cups and even some seed starters bound the roots. Time to transplant i cut the netting off on the seed starters and i peel away the pete pot both planting just the seedling and dirt no restrictions. Just what i found after removing the root bound seed starter and same with the pete pot from my grow.


100% success rate using peat pots
No issues with roots growing out the tops nor being root bound.
Have done some without cutting slits and some cutting slits.
Just make sure you bury them just below soil and make sure the hole in bottom is open.
I found something called cow pots that I’ll be using in the future as they are made with composted manure so it will give more compost to the soil and roots love that as well as the microbes.


Wow, Great Tips @Skydiver, @Chasworks… Thanks…

Drove 420 miles yesterday starting at 4 pm… Got this Partially Restored Tractor and Bush Hog for a Song… Lol … Got Home at like 4am this Morning…

Got my Vivosun Tan Cloth Pots yesterday… Gonna Add Chicken Manure to my Garrigan Super Soil and use the Chicken Manure Mix for my Veg Soil with the Regular Super Soil in the Bottom 1/3rd of the Pots… TiA

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Sweet man love old stuff

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Yep @Cyle1, this thing has a new exhaust and intake manifold on it new tires on the back painted, with the engine rebuilt, and the new carburetor on it… It has a little bit of problem cranking it it fires and I’m a mechanic… I’m going to get my two row farming on out here LOL

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Hell ya man

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