WillD’s Vape Oil
While generally regarded as safe by the FDA, I prefer not vape PG, PEG, VG or anything not naturally occurring in cannabis and use only terpenes to dilute & flavor my home made oil.
When I tell you how easy this is you’ll want to DIY
I made it easy on myself by purchasing some basic lab equipment. You can equip yourself for @$100 if you shop around.
I.) A hot plate/magnetic stirrer is a must.
II.) A 25ml low form beaker or 2 make it easier and ensure less waste than the 4oz Ball jars I see people using on YouTube.
III.) 3ml syringes with 15ga blunt tip needles are a must as is an instant read IR thermometer.
IV.) disposable pipettes
V.) Empty carts*
*I’ve tried several types and sizes of cartridges and it seems that the half gram ones produce far better Vape than the 1 g ones regardless of design. I made the mistake of buying a lot of 20 unbranded CCell knock-offs on eBay and threw >1/4 of them away due to leakage from the bottom vent holes.
Concentrate: (in my case it’s rosin pressed from dry ice shaken keif)
Terpene isolates or strain profile(s): (widely available from countless sources by searching the Internet for “terpenes”)
I use the mix calculator on the true terpenes site because it includes volumetric measurements along with weight. I always use 0% for the diluent and 16% for the terps for my okey gooey keif rosin.
I like doing 4.2g at a time, because that makes 10 full .5g carts using 1ml terpenes
Terpenes are lighter than water by volume so .8g of terps= .96ml.
I round up to 1ml and we’re still looking at 84% rosin. More potent than any pre-filled cart people buy in dispensaries & from retail “vendors”.
Not likely to fail pesticide testing either
ROSIN +16% TERPENES works best for my keif rosin. Your results may vary depending on the purity, source (rosin, shatter, wax) & viscosity of your concentrate.
1.) I put the beaker on the scale & tare it to 0
2.) Then I weigh out 4.2g rosin and place it in the beaker. (If you get a little bit on the sides of the beaker that’s OK you can use a little butane torch on low and just lightly hit the sides of the beaker to melt the rosin back down into the bottom of the beaker)
3.) I set the heat to low usually comes up to about 60°C.
4.) Once melted, I drop a little bar magnet in the beaker cover it and put the stirrer on just fast enough to make it spin & mix.
5.) When it starts to bubble, I use a pipette to add 1ml of terpenes, then I turn off the heat and put the lid back on the beaker continuing to mix for 120 seconds or till emulsified and crack open an empty cartridge while I wait.
6.) I turn the mixer off and draw a couple of drops oil out with a syringe and put it in the cartridge and see it it leaks. If no leak, I fill it.
7.) at this point, you can either draw it all up and fill individual carts in this way or transfer to a 15ml unicorn bottle and refil the same cart multiple times.
I pour some acetone in the beaker and draw it into the syringe and eject back into the beaker a few times. I wait until the hot plate is back to about room temp & put it back on the mixer to stir the acetone & oil residue all up.
I swab it out with a couple of paper napkins being careful to place the little magnet bar on a separate napkin. I throw the acetone soaked napkins in the trash and repeat it with some more clean acetone and clean the syringe again with clean acetone and disassemble it to dry. I swab out the beaker again inside and out with a clean acetone soaked napkin. If the syringe is gummed up I throw it away. Are usually just wipe off the disposable pipette with a clean paper napkin.
That’s it.
@North_East_Newbie and the rest of the folks who’ve been spending money and time messing with farm to vape, wax liquidizer and other diluent that do not occur naturally in cannabis and produce inferior results.
All terps is the only way to go for me. A 5ml bottle of Floraplex strain profile terpenes for $30 can turn 21g of rosin to 50 .5g vape carts at 16% dilution. I don’t know whether or not that translates to 84% THC, but it’s definitely 84% rosin and 100% better than any pre-filled cart I have sampled. Thanks again to @North_East_Newbie for finding Floraplex.