Really small brown dots on leaves

I have a plant 5 weeks into flowering, and I’m having small dots showing on the fan leaves.

  • What strain, Seed bank, or bag seed - Bergmans gold leaf
  • Method: fox farm happy frog soil and fox farm nutrients
  • Vessels: 5 gallon fabric pots
  • PH of Water, Solution, runoff: ph of last watering 6.0, runoff 6.5
  • PPM/TDS or EC of nutrient solution: ppm of last watering 850, runoff ppm was 700
  • Indoor or Outdoor: indoor 2x4 tent
  • Light system: HLG 300L Rspec 270w
  • Temps; Daytime 77-80, nighttime 66-68
  • Humidity; Day 40-45%, Night around 50%
  • Ventilation system; 4 inch exhaust with carbon filter
  • AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier: na
  • Co2; no

May be phosphorus. Check your ph make sure it’s around 6.5. A soil slurry test islets (you can google how to do it)… best thing for phosphorus deficiency is Phosphorus Bat Guano or Liquid Bone Meal… The Bat Guano requires soaking it for 24 hours.