Random Mature Seeds Need Thoughts

I found 1 mature seed on my plant
Some plants just do it when they haven’t been pollinated and sometimes it can happen a little early …I’d grow them out and get rid of any males just to see what you get
I know I’m going to
1 seed off an entire plant like my situation I think the plant is trying to continue existing like you’d said

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I’ve had this happen in the past an grown the seeds, and have had great Success with them. All being females as well.:money_mouth_face:


I can’t wait to !! I’m almost positive it will be a female

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Michigan here, had a good outdoor season. It did get cut short for rain, the smart people got it in. Legal here with lots of growers. A lot of complaints about seeds this year around here.
I know that hemp fields and male plants can cause this. Anyone have information on distance, how far away do you need to be?


@dbrn32 Naw It wasn’t a hermie ( in the traditional way hermies are) that’s the weird part of it…No balls…just one seed in the “female” looking sac…I haven’t propped it yet ,not sure if I will ( I probably will just to see) but yes I will be cautious. Thanks!

So I have been researching and found that pollen can travel up to 10 miles in the right conditions, so that being said I believe that would be the case for random seeds. Just like @dbrn32 said, just amazing that pollen can travel that far.

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Insects carry and move pollen around too🤘

The only thing that makes seeds is pollen. If pollen doesn’t come from a male plant or is put there on purpose by you, then it came from a hermaphrodite. There is no other explanation I’m aware of.

I used the same seeds for two years in a row. First year just a few seeds. This year was kind of bad.