This is my 2nd to last seed for order #ILGM2155774/944421 Northern Lights feminized. This is week #9 going on #10 here in these pictures I posted. 2 me it looks like the trichomes are at just about were they need 2B. They went from nice and milky 2 a clear 2 now some R getting the red/maroon color. I’m guessing cropping in 4-5 days???
What’s everyone’s consensus please …
You still have too many white hairs. You want nearly all those white hairs to turn brown and recede back into the calyx’s then start checking trichomes. Also check deep into the bud not the sugar leaves. As long as shes putting out white hairs she is still fattening up.
Ok thank you. I’ll wait at least another week or two then. I’ll re-post as well before I harvest more. Red hairs should be at least 75% over the plant correct, as well as, trichomes ready correct?
I was just wondering if you start crying during harvest because she’s so damn pretty do you have to talk to someone about it?
Or would that be considered normal protocol?
90% brown hairs and they should be receding back into the calyx’s you have at least 2 weeks left. Shes got way too many white hairs
How long has she been flowering?
8 weeks going on 9. It’s supposed to go to 10+ weeks according to the stats. But now that I have my new microscope 100x from Amazon I’m going to keep a close eye on them. Thanx again!!!
Never go by the stats the plant will be done when its done. When did you start counting the weeks. Was it when you changed the light schedule to 12/12 or at first signs of pistils. Are you including preflower…
Is that the “red” that I am looking for?
Pre-flower? Are you referring to when the little shoots come from the brachs and you first see the white pistils?
PrePreflower there’s pistils/hairs starting to form at all the nodes and working their way towards the tips but none at the tips yet. This sometimes can take a week or two.
Week one of flower for me is when there’s buttons on the tips of every branch.
I only use flowering time as a reference if anyone asks me how long have they been in flower Ill have an answer. I watch the plant and let her tell me when shes ready. By that time I’ve lost track of how long it been flowering anyway.
Well thank you for that information it was very helpful . I always wondered how “they” come up with the stats. I’m learning a lot here! Now when you say she tells you she’s done you mean watching for the trichomes to go from milky-clear-little red dots & even pull buds open to look as well??? But don’t get the redhairs confused with them correct?
Also nice little bush you got there that’s purdy healthy plant. I can’t do that in my neighborhood to many weed thieves would have a heyday from seeing that and think Christmas came early or something stupid like that you know . Nothing beats mother nature!
People shoot people for trespassing where I live. At least 4 of my neighbors grow and the neighbor behind me is an Arizona state tooper.
That’s cool a state trooper lives behind you because my dad is TPD K9 and has seen my crops and just shakes his head and turns around and walks away . Thanks for being honest!
Yeah he’s an AZ state tooper drug interdiction officer. He knows I grow but has never said anything. He has cows and goats, ducks and chickens and Alpacas and huge ass mean livestock guardian dogs that would probably kill you if you went in his yard at night. I never worry about anyone sneaking in from that direction.