Question about Agrowlyte Budwash

I’m wanting to use a preventive spray, I’m getting too much rain, the rain will be coming in a few hours is it okay to spray before the rain, I always spray morning or evening but right now it’s very cloudy and overcast :cloud_with_rain:


I do not know the answer. I would think it comes down to whether it is a contact killer or if it relies more on residual prevention. I take it this is not a systemic antimicrobial / fungicide. After all, it is a chorine derived product.
Read a Cleveland health article about Hypochlorous acid being acid used effectively against COVID virus and even acne.


@Nip Yes. Go ahead and spray before the rain.
And then after the rain stops and they dry up some give them another spray.
I bought the generator so make my own.
Just haven’t been vigilant enough with my applications and ending up with some br.

Def a contact killer. More like H2O2 only stronger.


Yes I’m on it now ! @Oldguy @beardless ! Appreciate the information, Just one plant but I’m going to keep a watch out, you guys know how devastating it can be , One of Growers worst Nightmare :skull:


I’ll throw caterpillars in the mix too.


Thrips kicked my Azz last year :love_you_gesture:


I spayed Captain Jack’s a couple of days ago, and I found this little Dude , any idea what it is ?


@new and @Spiney_norman gotcha answered on your other post :love_you_gesture:

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Spider mites are my number one enemy!

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I had some spider mites on plant’s before, there nasty, since I been using siposad Captain Jack’s, i haven’t seen anymore, I don’t think it’s Bud Rot i had on my plant’s, two little Brown Stinkbugs fell out of the infected area, i don’t know if you have them in your area, but there a garden Nightmare and will eat up a plant, Captain Jack’s didn’t seem to work on them, Sevin Dust is what will kill them, my Grandmother used it for tomato worm’s and Stinkbugs in her vegetable garden, I’m doing a Budwash on all my grow so it should wash off