The tap water is likely a big part of your problem.
You need to adjust the pH of your water before you pour it on your plants, plus you need to know what the ppm is in the water as well as the pH.
Most tap water is very high in PPM and is also very alkali in pH like 7.5 or maybe even 8.0, way too hard – think limescale – for watering your cannabis.
You need to adjust your tap water to 6.5 when using it on your plant in soil.
Like I said, you really need to get the tools and learn how to use them to be sure what is what and how to fix it.
I’m sorry, I don’t know what else to tell you. Just like you can’t keep and raise a big healthy animal without food or water, you can’t grow a plant without nutrients, good water and good light.
If the pH is out of range, it causes nutrient deficiencies or maybe even toxicities. This basically can make whatever nutrients are regularly present in the soil unavailable to the plant.
Get yourself some calibration solution or buy yourself some pH test drops or strips, these don’t need calibration and seem like it might be easier for you to use. A digital EC meter or TDS meter is about your best bet to determine PPM concentration, no real way getting around that one.
I got my calibrator today works great I also got fox farm ocean fresh soil and I got some lime like you said should I be fine now I tested my water ph it’s 7.1 i’ma put a drop of lime and see if it drops but what kind I use of Lime can I use the fruit and squeeze out
I never said use lime to bring your pH down, lime stabilizes to help prevent pH from going down in the soil. Lime is alkali, it brings pH up, not down.
You need your soil pH and water pH at 6.5. So you need to bring it dowm, you can use a sulfur product sprinkled on the soil similarly to the lime but for opposite reasons.Or you can use phosphoric acid or sulfuric acid as a pH DOWN, and you can buy commercial liquid pH UP. You can use the liquid ones in soil no problem and they are generally faster acting than the lime of sulfur powders.
When you say fruit at the end, I think you are getting confused by the people that mention lemon juice, that is not what people mean when talking about adding garden lime.
Citric acid from a fresh squeezed lemon can help, but it is not as effective as phosphoric acid or sulfuric acid.
You can even get a kit the comes with both a pH UP and pH DOWN, and it even comes with some pH test drops to help validate your pH meter is reading correctly.
I have that mac but I’m not good at using it like I used it but idk i keep getting greenish colors being that I have meter and it’s calibrated should I have any problems ?? Ph down brings the ph down and does it keep the ph levels correct if not how long do I got
I’m sorry but if you can’t make this stuff work, you are going to have an even harder time making lemon juice work. This stuff is way better than lemon juice.
If you have been watering with the high pH water for a long time, it builds up in your soil and flushing with a low pH water is going to take a good strong flush to get the pH down. You can pH your water to say 5.5 and flush one or two or more times the volume of soil until the run-off coming out the bottom is at 6.5. With all this flushing you would want to then replace it with a balanced nutrient mixture adjusted to the 6.5 pH.
But part of the whole problem with using tap water is if the PPM of the tap water is high, even though you are adjusting it down, those minerals are now salt compounds in your soil and just as with lime scale hard water leaving all kinds of salty scale crust everywhere, that stuff builds up in your soil and chokes out the nutrients making them again unavailable and/or the salts themselves build up to toxic levels.
You might need to invest in an R/O system to clean your tap water or maybe start buying gallons of distilled water from the grocery store. Or maybe harvest rain water. But again you’ll want to test its pH and make sure it is clean, not getting dirt or a lot of dust or minerals in it bringing the EC or PPM up.
Ok no problem so I used the ph down just now I got it to say 6.6 for my water now I bought fox farm ocean fresh soil I was told it’s ph levels are 6.5 to 6.8 if it is am I set now
You still need to test the EC or PPM of your water to know what you are dealing with.
If your tap water’s TDS is below 50 PPM, then you are set. But if it is higher you are going to have problems of that limescale salts building up in your soil.
And depending on how big you plan on growing your plant, you will likely still need to feed it more than just water once in awhile.
I’m going to get the fox farm bloom and this other bottle that comes with it for nutes I’m trying to grow it as small as possible but still get a nice yield at least decent for my first what do you think or suggest tell me I love to input I’m here to learn and listen
I don’t want to steer you into any particular brand, as I have no involvement with any of these; however, here is a link to a page for TDS Meters from Hanna Intruments: Hanna Intruments TDS Meters
You can also find a good deal of TDS meters on Amazon, at varying price points. I cannot attest to the quality of any of them, so you would want to read the reviews. My local hydro shop uses a Hanna Meter to test their own solutions.
Correcting the pH will help with correcting the lockout. Depending on specifically which lock out is actually occurring, adding that specific nutrient could also help.
In some situations if you let the plant go too long with a lockout, it might be nearly dead and it might be better to move on. But it all depends, it depend if the plant is so damaged that it would take longer to rehabilitate/revive it than it would to start with a new seedling or new clone.
Ok mac thanks I have one now my other died the one that I still have she’s really green the bottom first leaves turned yellow but hasn’t spread anymore she has I believe 4 nodes if I can clone how should I go about it if I transplant her now to a better soil to my fox farm you think she’ll grow and do better
It is a bit too small to be trying to take a clone from it just yet.
She does look big enough that she can start getting stronger nutrients, or a soil that contains stronger nutrients, and yes she could probably be transplanted now. Transplant as you would with any plant and protect the root ball.
I’m not going to describe transplanting in detail, there are tons of tutorials you can find all over the place about transplanting and I can’t do all your work for you, sorry.
Hey mac so update on the baby she still looks good just noticed when I woke up the leaves at the bottom are dying out I was told to top but idk how to I even got her emergency blankets removed the foil should I top or no amd if so how do I top