This is my first time using a net. I’m 3 weeks into flower. Do I need to start taking any of these leaves off so more light can get to the lower growth? I’ve never really pruned before and it kind of scares me. This girl is doing better than I imagined with it being my first all organic grow and BOY I don’t want to screw anything up. Any advice or recommendations from the group? Thanks in advance!
I take off any leaves to expose lower bud sites.
Don’t take off too much at any one time though, 20% maybe.
That is what I do anyway.
Trim as necessary to maintain good airflow within the canopy. You’ll get a lot of growth (the stretch) the next couple of weeks and will have to keep up with trimming.
A plant can withstand losing 25% of it’s foliage at a time. Don’t worry about taking some off.
When SCROGGING, anything under the net can go… looking at the pic, maybe leave an inch or so under it… but everything else is dead weight. They will form buds that wont amount to much and just waste energy that could be better used in the tops.
Im not a heavy pruner at all. Normally I just tuck big fans that are stubborn. And but now, alot of the useless ones gotta go. Pop off 4-5 here and there every other day or so
I look for the oldest fan leaves with the longest stems. If they are in the center of the plant and the branch it is on has newer small leaves above it, then cut it. Work your way out from the center to the edge. Then sit back, take a break, we don’t want to over do it. Actually come back the next day and see if more should come out or if it has opened up enough.
yes start taking a few here and there but only a few at a time that are directly in the path of air and light.
I like trimming from the bottom up.I get a better view of where the light needs to come thru. Nice Plant!!