Hey all, with spring approaching soon here in Southern California I’ve been thinking about my outdoor grow. Last year I lightly dabbled for the first time without paying much attention. I have an above ground table and an in-ground Garden and also some pots that I can be using. The inground will share with tomatoes just like last year and the above ground with lettuce like last year, the pots will also be used this year. I’m just looking for some special tips like the super important ones. I have already turned the soil over and added a lot of leaf matter as well as topsoil and used grow soil from with a lot of perlite blended in from the neighbor
all together. It’s very cushy. I did the same thing last year and things grew well. Any insight to help me along my journey would be much appreciated. I’ve got a lot of quality seeds and I will be growing photos and autos and I also have a tent indoors that I can use to pre-start anything that is recommended. Thanks in advance. I can’t wait to get started
@2GreenThumbs I’m not sure which strains yet but I’ve got about 50 different seeds from FB and RQ, and a few friends, photos and autos. My neighbors are all cool and the garden gets covered with my white bug netting. Last year I grew Pravada, Jupiter and Biker. They did good but as I stated I was just messing around last year with no real drying area.
2 FB Mexican Airlines af going in 5 gallons fabric pots today.
1 Bag seed from a dark outdoor photo going in a 1 gallon for future transplant.
All going inside for a few weeks then outdoors.
Early start for fun. A small gamble here in SoCal. Weather forecast over the next two weeks shows low temperatures from 33 to 40° Fahrenheit.
11 days old
1 Bag seed photo
2 Fastbuds AF Mexican Airlines
1 will go to the neighbors.
They’re in the tent with the others at the end of flowering so they are under flowering light instead of Bluer. Oh well they’re growing
He used to be the man with the garage set up. His wife’s uncle is now staying there and gave me the photo seed he got from a local friend of his. I’ll be giving one of these three to him for outdoor fun.
I used to be. A few friends and myself used to breed all kinds. Recently i hung up my business license and let go of my Aquarium maintenance gig. Ive been into fish since I was 8 and had been getting paid to care for them since 94. The one in my profile pic is an Escondido Carpintis (central american) and he lives in that 5ft 110g with 9 Lg Clown Loaches.
What kind of fish are you keeping?@noddykitty1
Here’s a clip of him from 6 months ago. He’s much larger than my hand spread out now. I got him two and a half years ago the size of my ring finger nail. His name is Dido
Ah I see in your profile pic you have a pair of Kribensis. Those are awesome fish especially while breeding. Amazing colors.
Also I see albino bristlenose plecos. I had a pair of brown ones with the albino gene that would produce albinos. Unfortunately they don’t mix good with clown loaches otherwise I would love to have them. They are cool fish
Sounds like we would have a lot to talk about over a bowl. I have never met a aquarist that didn’t smoke. You name it I have kept it. I studied o chem then went back and got a fish ecology degree too. Got interned in a dissection lab for a huge w coast transhipper that has since gone out of business. Best part was all the fish I got see there, and the employee discount. I would get half off wholesale. Zebra plecos were like 10$.
Basically, I paid for college breeding discus, apistogrammas, and corydoras. Back when you could pay tuition by working as a student in the 90s. I did spend more than I ever made buying pairs of w Africans soft water cichlids. Most clients want just mut mbunas.
Yes, I do mantainance too. How funny. Had my own business since 2006. Did commercial hospital/office tanks for 13 years before that for a large service company. Paid way better than the lab or chemistry jobs out of college. That commercial job paid 100k + benefits and 401k. Basically for 300-1200 gallon salt water set ups. I love fresh water fish way more than salt.
Having kids killed that job. So now I do my own thing with about 60 clients. You know how that goes…. Have gone full obsession w fruit trees now. Grafting and breeding. Lol
Those are actually mini me kribs, very less known. They are called taniatus. They stay under 2”, more like a South American ram in size and temperament. They recently got regrouped from their own genus back into the pelvechromis genus with the kribs. Mad mama krib would take on mbunas. They fight a lot. The taniatus can go w microrasboras and small tetras like embers. Too small to hurt anything. They are alway like a hundred bucks wholesale. Which makes them worth breeding. The only problem is they only live like 2 years max just like rams. Short lifespans. 3-4 spawns is all I get before they are spent.
Lately my son has pushed me into amphibians. The Axolotls are pure gold. $$. They spawn so easy and are worth a lot ever since Minecraft made a character on the game an Axolotl. They have gone from20$ to 200$ around here anyway. They have huge spawns.
Sounds like we have a lot a lot in common. In my service days I had the same clients doctors, dentist offices and their homes. From freshwater to salt fish only and full-blown reefs. I do prefer freshwater myself. I used to pick up fish fresh off the plane across the street from LAX for clients. Buying wholesale was the greatest and seeing the newest things was exciting. Last year my goofing around outdoor grow I used my koi pond water exclusively without testing anything and grew some great plants and veggies. Outdoors I have a 330 gallon Rubbermaid stock tank with a little wet and dry trickle filter and seven large koi most over 15 years koi pond and a retired jacuzzi that I turned into my Lily Pond with other aquatic plants and mosquito fish