Hi guys, I am thinking adding a PPFD sensor equipment to my grow toolkit. Any recommendations on brands to use or avoid?
I saw the Pulse series had good reviews but maybe this is an overkill.
Hi guys, I am thinking adding a PPFD sensor equipment to my grow toolkit. Any recommendations on brands to use or avoid?
I saw the Pulse series had good reviews but maybe this is an overkill.
No help here Growmie, I use a light meter and dial it in the old school way. The more automated equipment…the more things can go sideways IMO . Good luck with your search
@low what meter did you get?
I just downloaded a ppfd app. I think most phones nowdays can do it. I realize it may not be a perfect measurment but it does work
If you search Amazon there are many options.
That is a lux meter… You will have to convert it to ppfd to find figure out dli.
They measure the light differently . LUX measures how the eye sees light, green and yellow are given more weight than red and blue. PAR measure the light evenly across the visible light spectrum. The LUX converters work only as well as the light that you are measuring.
Ppfd is a measurement of photons hitting the plant for photosynthesis.
Thanks, didn’t realize it’s lux only. Already got one of them and don’t trust the conversions.
Glad ya saved me that
First one comes with a wand
I am writing an app to make calculations easier… Was going to do lux along with ppfd for dli… But the conversions are silly. I didn’t trust any of the data I found as it all seemed to be from one person’s perspective and most didn’t match with each particular listed source light.
@Low thanks brother
Make your own with a tsl2591 and a esp32
Great thanks all