I’ve noticed some spots of yellowing popping up in some areas. I’m new to growing and my limited knowledge/research has me leaning too a potassium def based on the looks. Any one have any ideas? TIA!
Could be any of a number of things. Can you please fill out a support ticket?
Can you please fill out a support ticket? Please include what type of water you’re using.
COPY/PASTE the below list into your forum post.
Answer these simple questions the best you can.
If you do not know, or do not use something; Just say so; Or post
NA (non-applicable)
• What strain, Seed bank, or bag seed
• Method: Soil w/salt, Organic soil, Hydroponics, Aquaponics, KNF
• Vessels: Pots, Grow beds, Buckets, Troths
• PH of Water, Solution, runoff (if Applicable)
• PPM/TDS or EC of nutrient solution if applicable
• Indoor or Outdoor
• Light system
• Temps; Day, Night
• Humidity; Day, Night
• Ventilation system; Yes, No, Size
• AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier,
• Co2; Yes, No
Always try to upload a clear picture of any issues you may have to allow the community to assist you. Pictures taken under natural or white lighting are by far the best.
Add anything else you feel would help us give you a most informed answer should be included. Feel free to elaborate, but short and to the point questions and facts will help us help you in a more efficient manner.
• What strain, Seed bank, or bag seed: WW Auto
• Method: Soil w/salt, Organic soil, Hydroponics, Aquaponics, KNF: FFOF w/ FF nutes
• Vessels: Pots, Grow beds, Buckets, Troths: 5 gallon Fabric pot
• PH of Water, Solution, runoff (if Applicable) N/A at this time (currently at work)
• PPM/TDS or EC of nutrient solution if applicable N/A at this time
• Indoor or Outdoor: INDOOR
• Light system: 1 HLG 260W Rspec QB
• Temps; 80°Day, 85-90° Night
• Humidity; 35%-45% Day&Night
• Ventilation system; Yes, No, Size: Yes 8" carbon filter w/ exhaust fan
• AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier: two fans, 1 clip on and 1 desk fan plus small hunidifier
• Co2; No
You are running a little hot, but I don’t know that the heat would do it.
I would want to understand runoff pH and PPM before making a suggestion.
Yeah with my tent being so small I have been looking into a small portable A/c system I could stick in there to knock it down a few degrees… and okay when I get off ill check my runoff ph and ppm and let yall know