Please Help male or female

Male or female. To me it looks male

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Im gona say female but can u post a better photo

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I don’t see any male parts on that plant. I believe it’s a girl :blush::v:

Definitely female!

I guess all plants are different but to me this looks weird. I don’t see any balls but it doesn’t look like a female part to me either it looks leafy .

This is my first grow and all the pictures i can find on what a female and male plant looks like i can’t find anything that looks like this

Kind of hard to sat either way. Looks a little bit like regular growth and not sex. Keep an eye on it!

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That same growth is showing up in other spots of the plant to. if its not sex what the heckis it i cant find pictures anywhere on the internet that resembles this.

@Tom6377 you will have to do as @Borderryan22 says and keep an eye on it!

Totally agree, I’ve got a girl doing the same thing. It’s a clone so no worries of being male.