Pineapple Express plant topped itself

So I have never seen this before but maybe you have. The plant didn’t get “topped” exactly because I never snipped anything off. What happened is in the fourth node the plant put out a set of single leaflets and then stopped growing out of that node entirely. It then began to grow out of the internodes where each branch connects to the main stem. The effect was essentially exactly the same as if you had topped it.

The plant was definitely stressed which was probably a factor. I began taking thek outside to harden them off at only 5 days old to toughen them up quickly since i dont have much room for them to grow before i put them outside. Some plants handled the stress fine, this way I can spot which ones are genetically stronger and separate weaklings. Overall the pineapple express seemed to be most stressed by the hardening process.

Anyways, have you ever seen a plant do this? Why would it do it? I am attaching a couple pics to make things more clear.


Self-topping happens at times. We see them here in the forum occasionally. I had one a few years ago. It was an orange barb strain that turned out to be a polyploid, which is likely the reason it self-topped.


How do you know it was a polyploid? And how did the bud come out from that plant?

I remember reading somewgere that polyploid plants are stronger

Because of the growth pattern.

Yes, they are great producers, but they are also a pain the the behind. They put out all kinds of excess foliage. You have to keep up with trimming or the plant will choke itself to death due to the density of foliage. Foliage grows from all sorts of random places on the plant.


That’s insane. I am only going to put 3 plants in my garden and I don’t think I will put it here. I will give it to a friend. I told him he will have to keep up on it like pubic hair or it will be strangled by its own foliage. We shall see what comes of it!

Pineapple Express is one of my favorite strains but I have never grown it. Overall the Pineapple Express plants are behaving more strangely than the others and seem to be more sensitive to stress. Since I am an outdoor grower I tend to prefer strains that are more naturally tough, such as Durban Poison.