hey guys! so its my second time growing outdoors so this time im growing afghani and gorrila glue#4
i planted a little later so my plants wont get soo big like last year . there like aout one month old.
I topped them and now i dont know am i supossed to pull those small shoots between the branches so there will be nothing at the bottom or let them grow? i already pulled some from the first 3-4 nods. I am not shure so please Help. Here Are some pictures The one with more folige is afghani the smaller is gorilla glue.
@Hefajstos69 pretty interesting question, I’ll hang about so I can hear some more experienced growers thoughts on this if you don’t mind.
I personally would not remove a thing. Will get plenty chances later when needed.
I would not remove the shoots , only on a tomato plant. Good luck
Yes let them grow now like stated above . It’s too young for for that .
Only time i pick off the suckers is when the plant is thick…low air flow and blocking light to other buds. You got alot of room and space. Would not pluck anything.
Those are going to be your buds. I only pull them if they’re not going to make it to the canopy by the end of flower stretch. Too early to tell that now.
Yes u guys are right u pick when they are way older i made a mistake i did pick a lot of shoots yes these woild be budz with main colas. I wanted to have nothing under so i can have more room. But yes im leaving them to grow more. Just wondering should i top then again soon? I need help on that.
Those were new branches. It’s okay no harm might make it busshier