Piece #2 of the puzzle

Received my Tent few days ago, now on the hunt for soil, going organic for first grow thinking Promix, will be starting seeds just after Christmas to much going until then and things will level out for grow time, first and maiden run will be GDP, and Sexxpot (Wife’s pick) and see what this indoor growing is like. Cheers




I’ll be you felt like a kind at Christmas!


Yes em, not that I need something else to but I did it’s getting cold here and I want to grow soooooo! tada!!!


If you’re going organic, look into either fox farm happy frog, or SoHum. I use happy frog myself. I would like to try SoHum, but it’s expensive. It supposed to be a water only soil.

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Thanks will put that in the note book, trying find things local, I live in BFE no lowes, homedepot, or grow store within 45 + miles and just seems nutz to me to get dirt sent by mail, in time I want to make my soil but that is a bit down the road.

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Understand, I’m not all that familiar with promix, but was thinking it wasn’t organic? But I’m not positive. Good luck, we’ll be glad to help all we can.

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Walmart sell it all online, foxfarms. Promix, jacks nutes, apera meters.


Thank you very much sure it won’t go without a hiccup of 4, think links are not allowed, It this.

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Maybe others will chime in, but I think you’ll have to use nutrients as you go because I don’t think it has a lot of organic material in it.

Understood, may not be totally against adding nutes once the plants start eating up whats in it, still reading all I can absorb on the organic and feeding grows, did my outdoor in the soil that was on our land, and fed them with Ilgm nute packs, was it a goliath grow (by no means) but damn happy with the results for first grow in 30 some yrs compared to back then, Bud is good, makes damn good hash and have plenty for winter, still wet behind the ears so any advise is heeded, still planning got a bit before dropping seeds :+1:


Fox farm Happy frog it is. For the first run.
Was planning on using pond water but that option has past its froze over will be using flowing river water, yes or no?

There are no nutrients in Pro-Mix - Inert sphagnum similar to Sunshine Mix #4. I have used Pro-Mix BX when I could not get any Sunshine Mix #4.

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Thank you, As above decided to go Happy Frog.

I use happy frog and have had great results. My nutes are advanced nutrients. They have a great feeding line and schedules for beginner to expert growers and its ph perfect


Thank you @Firstauto

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I might add that happy frog is good for about three weeks without nutes.Ph balanced water only. Then i introduced nutes at a half does level for a week or two. These 2 plants are my 2nd and 3rd plants ever they are 25 gallon pots and are huge since my flower area is a spare bedroom.


Few more pieces have showed, Happy Frog is in the house now, ppm/tds meter and PH meter showed up both Aperas have had tent set and messing with it for climate control I relize it will all change once its full of green just trying to play, so wife sez toss the Ponisette in there see if we can push red to it been playing for almost 2 weeks I be damned we are pushing it and its turning red, will post pic next light on.

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Few more Pcs for the tent, humidifer or fogger (reptile type) oil filled heater, 2 clip on fans, and built a platform to keep tent off concrete floor it is insulated, trying to configure it all up now, may have to add a couple dedicated outlets for the tents which is a easy to do, being as I have damn near gutted the electric that was in the dungeon.

And a Pic of the Ponsettia my wife wanted to give a push to

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