Photone App Issues

My photone app is not working properly.
iPhone XR I have uninstalled/reinstalled.
Watched Difuser video several times and to my best knowledge everything is setup properly. My latest is…
VSpectr 2500 @ 15” above tallest cola set to 800 ppfd.
24 hours later …top cola grew 3” and Photone says ppfd is 300ish at top cola.
This has been happening. I exit app, go back, try again, after several attempts I might get accurate (??) reading , or its in neighborhood of what I believe is accurate. Anyone having issue?? Fixx ??
Im 14 days into flower. I need this to work correctly !! Help me please.
Thanks, Dave


When i thought mine was goofy, I texted Dr. Google. But, I have an android. :point_up_2: try

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Ive done everything Dr Google says.
Says contact app developer. Good frikkin Grief. Someone on here has had to experience these issues …. Im not always “the only one “. :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::face_with_thermometer:

My Samsung Smart Phone has downloaded an app for LUX, PPFD/DLI reading.
The digital readings will decrease as distance from lights increases or angle of light reception is changed. That being said, My MAX readings are 30,000, 500, and 40, respectively, for the VIPARSPECTRAs (R-900 & V-600). The second tent has two new CHINA cheapies, advertising equivalent 3000 watts of full spectrum LED and documentation claims watt usage is 200 max watts. This seedling tent has light meter readings half the VIPARS. Most light heights in my grow are 24-30 inches above top leaves. Flowering clones are approaching that distance and I expect them to grow into the 22-18 inch range. Yesterday I inadvertently switch off a power strip, controlling a fan, not realizing the VIPARS were at max and started to stress my plants (many with leaf droop). Being the last hour of scheduled lighting, I just turned off lights for night. Leaf drooping was gone in the AM, before lights were turned on and all plants received some water today. All plants measured 6.5 soil PH (except one 6.0). Not sure if light was too much, leaf heat too much, or not enough water at that intensity/temp. Took a few attempts to download and I am often the culprit.

After an hour or so and a dozen or so tries, I finally got an accurate (??) reading.
Top cola was 800ppfd yesterday, its 930ish
today. My previous readings were in the 300-350 range which I knew were incorrect. Im thinking diffuser ? I have it exactly as demonstrated in video….

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@Sizzzl Your LED light appears bigger than my VIPARS together (R-900 & V-600).
I will re-calibrate, re-measure, and post for you, soon. Your flowers look good and better than mine. Do you suspect a problem? What is the light dispersion pattern for your LED light? Is too close a factor?

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Its P2500 Im happy with it !!! obviously Closet is 42" wide by about 6 ft deep.
4x4 tent goin in basement for next grow.

not sure about dispersion, finally got app to work. 930 today vs 800 yesterday…
app was giving me readings 300-350 all morning. I’m thinking its diffuser/user issue.
damn thing. I’m good , till next time.

I attempted remeasuring and noticed a few issues. Sharing my observations:
All readings fluctuate, significantly, depending upon positioning of phone. Any minute movement affects vertical, horizontal, and pitch/roll (angles) causing numbers to randomly change drastically. My controlled shake makes this process and results suspect. I am in the process of using my electrical consumption (PSE meter) to determine WATTAGE consumed by lights. Multiple ILGM forum contributors have mentioned using good light meters and avoiding guess work. Another candidate for my Christmas list. My readings were at 25-inches above top bud. 15-inches would be smoking hot or possibly too close for other rows of bulbs to contribute, hence dispersion pattern, also affected by height and angular positioning

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@Sizzzl Today I moved lights around (raised one and offset the pair). Added a spare 90 watt from 2013). Today’s garden activity included favor some plants, move some, and cover/shade some seedlings. Used light meter app and saw biggest numbers at more inch depth, than yesterday. MAX READINGS observed LUX 33,000, PPFD 500-700, DLI 42 (I think, need sunglasses). Tent has VIPARSPECTRAs (bought years ago in prep for grow activity), R-900 and V600. Moved plants, trimmed some fan leaves, found some seeds soaking in a drawer, needing planting, planted them.
Busy day.


Photone decided to work properly today !!
Definitely need it. These babies are stretchin !!
The plant in front just started flowering this week. Jerk. I flipped to 12/12 20 days ago…
Black Widow fems.
Gold leaf autos in corner are 9 days old.

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Looking good. I am preparing for flip, soon. Had to recover from some bad guess PH-ing.
Amazon Prime will deliver new PH pen Tuesday, I hope.

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Gotta measure everything in and out, adjust ph and noots accordingly. It took me a minute, but once you understand the science (and a lil math) it makes things easier. Im using Jacks. So simple. And my girls are pretty healthy, ive had really no issues so far. I see guys trying all these different blooms and things and then wonder why they got this and that goin on…
Keep it simple. Your plants will appreciate it.


@Sizzzl make sure the white paper covers the top front 1/4 of your phone, I think most make the mistake of not making the paper go far enough down and also the wrap around to get a snug fit.

Just another 2 cents on this topic

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This F’n photone app is crap. F’n hate it. BS app not worth the space it’s occupying on my phone. Jerks.