Photone app accuracy

Curious to hear about any experiences with this app, and if it’s a useful tool. I’m not willing to shell out a bunch of $ for a meter, but I would like to educate myself more about my lighting this time around.
Importance of dialing in PPFD & DLI? I’m reading about this, but not quite clear in understanding. And is it even worth focused consideration for a small head-stash grow?
Thanks in advance for any info, etc

These apps measure lumens. Lumens is not what matters for plants. PPFD matters for plants. PPFD is a broader spectrum of light that cannot be measured by a lumens app.

Some lighting manufacturers generate lumens to PPFD conversion tables (HLG does,) but keep in mind that every light is going to have a different PPFD profile compared to lumens.

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My photone app auto is on ppfd

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A conversion can be done, but there is no guarantee that it is going to be accurate. Phone cameras are not designed to capture the wider spectrum of light that PPFD measures. They are designed to capture the visible spectrum of light.


Photone app has been tested by experienced growers on this forum with good results. If you want to learn more about DLI, @Nicky has a great topic with lots of info. Test results are around post 229, hellraiser tests the Photone app against Apogee meter.


Yeah @Hellraiser did a comparison and seemed to be fairly accurate. I’m also trying to understand and use this to dial in my lighting as well. I will say that i compared a few apps against each other and the lux meter one with the icon that’s in the picture below seem to measure very differently than any other app I tried. Tested both with and without diffuser and readings were never close to the others.

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@Dave101 thanks for this info. I’m reading reviews of the app and they seem to be favorable.
Thanks again

Oh I’ll also add that in the Photone app I also bought the led full spec filter just because I wanted to see how different results would be from the sunlight and It was hardly different so no need to spend the 5.99 :joy: i took one for the team there


@gtyme420 thanks for your input. I looked at that app as well. I think I’m leaning toward Photone. Why not, right? :peace_symbol:

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tests were done with sunlight setting, results were close enough. Good thing it was only 5.99

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Drop in the bucket compared to cost of equipment to garden a little