Ph or not while flushing

hi there everyone iv been growing in coco for the past five years i flush my plants every 2 to 3 weeks i use pure water with 0 TDS but i have always ph to 6.5 so i was wondering if it makes any difference if u PH or not cheers.

You grow in coco and ph your water to 6.5?

For flushing I do. Do u think that’s wrong?

I don’t know about coco I rdwc and when I flush I keep ph to a range of 5.5 to 6.5 and I don’t adjust if within range always ph to with in a range not a spef num so if I’m above 6.5 I adjust to my neutral of 6.0 same if she drops below 5.5 I add more water and even pump some out to add more fresh not ph changed water to bring her up I try not to add ph up during flush you are flushing to get chems out not to add others for ph

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I’m not sure about hydro, but I’d say yeah, I’d still ph. @Donaldj should know

Flush should be in the target ph range you use entire grow but if something has always worked for you you shouldn’t be worried about changing much

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